Certificate of Recognition DepEd

Certificate of Recognition DepEd

A focused study program in particular skill or knowledge areas is required to obtain a Certificate of Achievement. These are intended to formally acknowledge students’ exceptional performance and accomplishment in the areas of leadership, social responsibility, and academics, among other areas of their growth and development.

The awards are intended to inspire students to pursue greatness and take an active role in both the community and the school.


Certificate of Recognition DepEd

Who Can Receive A Certificate Of Achievements?

The Department of Education (DepEd) is adopting the enclosed Policy Guidelines on Awards and Recognition for the K–12 Basic Education Program in accordance with the implementation of Republic Act No. 10533, also known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (K–12 Law).

All students—including transfer students—who complete the requirements, standards, and procedures outlined in this policy will be acknowledged. Any given reward may be given to two or more recipients. Nevertheless, the rewards won’t be granted if there isn’t a qualifying student.

What Awards Are Being Given?

A. Classroom Awards – During the quarter, semester, or year-end celebrations, a basic acknowledgement could be granted.

1. Performance awards for kindergarten

2. Conduct Awards

a. Character Traits for Kindergarten to Grade 3

b. Conduct Awards for Grades 4 to 12

3. Academic Excellence Award


Academic Excellence Award

Average Grade per Quarter

With Highest Honors/May Pinakamataas na Karangalan


With high Honors/ May Mataas na Karangalan


With Honors/ May Karangalan


4. Recognition of Perfect Attendance

B. Grade-level Awards – granted to eligible students at the conclusion of the academic year in each grade level.

1. Academic Excellence Award

Table 2:

Academic Excellence Award

          General Average                 

   With Highest Honors/May Pinakamataas na Karangalan


With high Honors/ May Mataas na Karangalan


With Honors/ May Karangalan


2. Leadership Award

Table 3: Criteria for Leadership Award





1. Motivational Skills (40%)

a. Communicates effectively

b. Shows initiative and responsibility

c. Engages group &/or clubmates to participate actively

d. Establishes collaborative relationships

e. Resolves conflicts



2. Planning and Organizational Skills (40%)

a. Creates and organizes appropriate events for the club, class, or school

b. Implements planned activities effectively and efficiently.

c. Monitors implementation of plans and tasks

d. Manages and/or uses resources wisely



3. Contribution to the School and/or Community (20%)

Provides services and/or carries out community- and/or school-related activities






3. Outstanding Performance in Specific Disciplines Awards

a. Athletics

b. Arts (e.g., media, visual, performing arts, or music)

c. Communication Arts

d. Science

e. Mathematics

f. Social Sciences

g. Technical-Vocational Education

h. Award for Work Immersion

i. Award for Research or Innovation

j. Award for Club or Organization Achievement

C. Special Recognition – It is awarded by the educational institution to students who have competed at the district, division, regional, national, and international levels and/or won. This serves to openly recognize students who have uplifted the school’s reputation.

What Is Given To Achievers? 

The school will present the grade-level honorees with diplomas, medals, and/or plaques carrying the Department’s official seal (DepEd Order No. 63, s. 2011). In order to maintain the honor and quality of the medals, certificates, and awards, schools must adhere to the requirements.

All recipients will get certificates detailing their particular prizes. It is crucial to remember that proportion and detail are crucial while preparing certifications. Additionally, the time and location of the school ceremony must be precise and comprehensive.

Table 4: Medal And Plaque Specific


Technical Specifications

1. Academic Excellence Award

With highest honors


Medal with visible DepEd seal Diameter Size: 6cm

Weight: 30g

Ribbon width: 1 inch

Ribbon color: depending on region

With high honors


With honors


2. Award for Leadership


Medal with visible DepEd seal Diameter Size: 6cm

Weight: 30g

Ribbon width: 1 inch

Ribbon color: gold

3. Award for Work Immersion


Medal with visible DepEd seal Diameter Size: 5cm

Weight: 25g

Ribbon width: 1 inch

Ribbon color: depending on region

4. Award for Research/Innovation


5. Outstanding Performance in the specific learning areas award


6.  Award for Club or Organization Achievement (members from different grade levels)

Plaque for the club/organization Certificate for each member with the school logo

How Do Schools Qualify An Awardees?

At the start of each school year, the principal or head of the school will form an Awards Committee (AC) for each grade level. There should only be one (1) AC organized for tiny schools. At least three members of the teaching staff, a guidance counselor, or a designated teacher must make up the committee. There should be an odd number of committee members overall. Any teacher, department head, grade-level chairman, or curriculum head may serve as the AC’s chair. No member of the AC may be connected to any of the award nominees under the second degree of consanguinity or affinity.




Step 1

Establish the processes and timelines for accepting nominations and determining qualifiers for specific awards consistent with the policy guidelines.

May to June

Step 2

Create grading-specific rubrics for the awards

July to August

Step 3

Request approval of procedures, schedules, and rubrics from the principal or head of the school.


Step 4

Inform the school community about the authorized procedures, deadlines, and evaluation criteria.


Step 5

Based on the minimal standards specified by these guidelines, accept nominations for each award from the class/club advisers. The class/club adviser recommends those who fulfill the qualifications to the AC.


Step 6

Assess and select recipients for each award by comparing the learner’s portfolio (report card, certificates, and supporting materials) to the standards established by the AC.


Step 7

Submit the results of the evaluation and deliberation to the school head or principal for approval.

Step 8

Make sure the school community, parents, nominees, and class advisers are informed of the evaluation and discussion outcomes (in the event of a protest, the AC will assist in resolving it promptly).

Step 9

Announce or post the final list of awardees.


Video: DepEd Certificate Of Recognition-Matatag Format

Watch the video below from YouTuber Teacher Eloisa.

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Communication is a vital skill that allows one to express ideas and convey information. This ability is an important skill set since communication constantly occurs every day. It is essential in connecting people, expressing or sharing ideas, and forming relationships. In addition, helping learners develop their communication skills early on will prepare them for their future.

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That’s why Grade 11 to 12 learners should prioritize taking the course English for Academic and Professional Purposes. This course contains five (5) major topics that will help them develop competencies in various writing styles, formats, and purposes. Learners must complete this course, which will benefit them as they transition to the tertiary level or pursue their careers.

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

What is English for Academic and Professional Purposes

English for Academic and Professional Purposes is a learning area for Grade 11 and Grade 12 learners under the K to 12 Curriculum. This course aims to teach learners about effective communication in myriad academic and professional situations. Additionally, it contains alternatives that can help learners develop competencies in these topics, conforming with each chapter in this anthology. Hence, this course will help learners understand the importance of language, how it works, and appreciate its role in communication.

Also Read: DepEd Reading Program: Catch-Up Friday

Chapter 1: Reading Academic Texts

Chapter 1 of the English for Academic Professional Purposes course is about Reading Academic Texts, starting with the article “From Hand to Mouth,” which explains how communication evolved from manual gestures to oral languages. Next is “A Brief History of English,” or the English language development. It explains why and how this language continuously changed. The course also contains articles that can help learners develop reading skills to understand the meaning of words and central thought in the context of every selection.

In addition, students should learn how to rephrase or express their ideas implied in the original text and integrate or rewrite long texts in shorter forms, like a summary, abstract, or precis. Meanwhile, teachers will guide learners in opening text structure and differentiate between main and subordinate ideas. This chapter also contains the following texts:

  • Understanding Calories
  • Wrigley’s Chewing Gum
  • The Golden Age of Comics
  • Competition and Cooperation
  • On Various Kinds of Thinking
  • From the Autopsy Surgeon’s Report
  • Legal Indictment
  • Local Girl Found Slain by Rejected Lovers
  • The Sob Sister’s Story
  • Porphyria’s Lover
  • Quiapo: the Procession of the Black Nazarene
  • Black Nazarene Procession Awes American Tourist

Chapter 2: Writing A Reaction Paper, Review, or Critique

In Chapter 2, learners will learn how to write a reaction paper, review, or critique. It will help learners develop writing competencies, including:

  • Construct opinions based on facts
  • Cite sources and evidence to support claims
  • Use different critical methods in critique text
  • Write an objective review or critique

 Learners will use a visual argument to critique the Art of Pablo Picasso’s “Guernica.” In “Four Values in Filipino Drama and Film,” learners will learn how to disseminate worldwide values. It contains “The Digital Divide,” which discusses the gap between those who do not have and can access the internet and information technology. This chapter also includes other texts, such as:

  • Ang Bayan Muna Bago ang Sarili
  • Why JFK’s Inaugural Succeeded
  • President John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address
  • Dead Water
  • Epic Review Shows How the Revolution Assassinated ‘Heneral Luna’
  • Movie Review: Heneral Luna
  • Review: ‘Heneral Luna’ Shows Human Side of Hero
  • ‘Heneral Luna’: Film Review

Chapter 3: Writing A Concept Paper

This chapter focuses on teaching learners how to write a concept paper with discipline. In this section, learners will learn different ways to define, explain, and clarify concepts in various fields, including art and business. It contains the “Boondocks,” a short selection explaining the origin of the Tagalog word in the English dictionary. Learners will also learn the origin of the twelve months in the calendar in “Months of the Year.” Apart from that, Chapter 3 includes the following subtopics:

  • Days of the Week
  • Ketchup
  • Mercury Pollution
  • Hormones in the Body
  • Paleolithic Art
  • Extracts from Words to the Intellectuals
  • Why Sinigang?
  • The Sentiments of Kundiman
  • Our Very Own Arnis
  • Fusion vs. Fission
  • Things: The Throw-Away Society

Chapter 4: Writing A Position Paper

Meanwhile, Chapter 4 comprises articles regarding current concerns, which will be the subject of the position paper. It will help learners develop writing competencies in the following:

  • Presenting and analyzing arguments
  • Defending a stand by presenting arguments supported by evidence
  • Write different types of reports

Also Read: Brigada Pagbasa Program

This section explains “The Case for Short Words,” which implies that short words are more powerful than long arguments. The subtopic “Doubts about Doublespeak” presents and explains the four (4) kinds of double speech. Although e-mail is a digital version of mail that streamlines communication, this chapter discusses its negative side in “The Other Side of E-mail.” Learners will also write a position paper about the following subtopics:

  • Women Talk Too Much
  • ‘r u online?’: The Evolving Lexicon of Wired Teens
  • Is Bad Language Unacceptable on TV?
  • Good English and Bad
  • With These Words, I Can Sell You Anything
  • The Great Global Warming Swindle
  • More Energy
  • The Hazards of Industrial Agriculture
  • Mahatma Gandhi’s Hunger Strikes
  • I Have a Dream
  • How to Detect Propaganda

Chapter 5: Writing A Report

Lastly, Chapter 5 of this course focuses on teaching learners how to write various reports for different disciplines, a common requirement in academic and professional settings. Learners will submit laboratory reports with the experiment results they conducted. Since different governments and agencies require progress and performance reports, learners must learn to write reports and deliver services and plans.

Moreover, learners will develop writing competencies in making field and survey reports, gathering information, experiments, and summarizing findings in graphic and written forms. This section will also discuss the following subtopics:

  • Fast-food Addiction
  • Nonverbal Behaviour: Culture, Gender, and the Media
  • Philippines 2013 International Religious Freedom Report Executive Summary
  • Guidelines for Physics Lab Reports


Watch the video below to learn more about English for Academic and Professional Purposes:

As discussed in the video, studying language includes four (4) basic skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Learners need to learn academic writing used by teachers and students in producing educational materials. On the other hand, professional or business writing applies in the workplace. These writing styles will help learners by preparing them for their careers and the professional world. Thus, completing this course is essential for all learners.


As Senior High School (SHS) learners complete their academic journey, learning effective communication is vital, whether they continue tertiary education or enter the professional world. This course will educate Grade 11 and Grade 12 learners to write in various styles and disciplines conforming to their education or chosen field of profession. Therefore, completing the English for Academic and Professional Purposes will benefit learners, allowing them to express themselves and communicate effectively.

Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF)

Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF)

The Department of Education (DepEd) has established guidelines for the establishment and implementation of the Result-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) in its Order No. 2, s. 2015. These guidelines cover all officials and employees, both school-based and non-school-based, in the Department holding regular Plantilla positions. They specify the precise mechanisms, criteria, and processes for the performance target setting, monitoring, evaluation, and development planning for schools and offices.

Also Read: Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES) Program for Filipino Students

The Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF), a well-structured evaluation tool, will provide teachers with insightful suggestions for improving their professional development.

Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF)

What Is Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF)?

All teachers must submit documents at the end of the school year. All reports and forms are included in these documents, including the Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF). IPCRF is an assessment tool used to rank government employees according to their annual accomplishments.

The Department of Education (DepEd) is dedicated to giving its employees the following chances for growth:

  • Connect their successes and meaningfully contribute to the realization of the mission and vision of the institution.
  • Develop both personally and professionally.
  • Encourage involvement, dedication, and personal and group development.

Implementing a Results-Based Performance Management System is in keeping with this philosophy at DepEd. It is a collaborative effort between the supervisor and the employee that facilitates an open discussion about job requirements, KRAs, objectives, and how these relate to departmental targets in general. It offers an opportunity for consensus on behaviors and performance standards that promote both professional and personal growth inside the institution.

The IPCRF EXCEL/PDF can be download through this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TS_gOnV6ugd6tELVXBiUjF7uf8kde6_J/view

Also Read: TVL Strand Courses in the Philippines

This IPCRF form is divided into four parts:

PART I – Accomplishments of KRAs & Objectives

The goals of each department are greatly dependent upon each employee. The employee and his or her supervisor work together to identify the goals and actions that will help the department as a whole achieve its overall objectives at the start of the Results-Based Performance Management Cycle. Following that, the objectives are given weights according to their importance. The sum of the weights cannot be more than 100. The employee’s effectiveness/quality, efficiency (including cost), and timeliness in meeting the predetermined goals will be assessed at the end of the performance cycle.

Accomplishments of KRAs & Objectives

Accomplishments of KRAs & Objectives

Accomplishments of KRAs & Objectives

Accomplishments of KRAs & Objectives

Accomplishments of KRAs & Objectives

PART II – Competencies

An employee’s ability to apply a variety of skills on the job will determine how well he or she performs in fulfilling their function and exceeding expectations. The efficacy and regularity with which the employee exhibits behaviors pertinent to the competencies determines how well they are rated. The rating for each competency is added together, and the total rating is calculated by dividing the amount by the total number of competencies. If an employee’s performance level lies between the scale position descriptions, they may receive half-points (e.g., 3.5).


PART III – Summary of Ratings On Discussion

Summary of Ratings On Discussion

PART IV – Development Plans

Both the employee’s strengths and opportunities for improvement are acknowledged. The employee’s strengths are emphasized and acknowledged in this way. On the other side, official and informal training and development approaches are used to address development demands.

Development Plans

Numerical Rating

Adjectival Rating

Description Of Meaning Of Rating



In terms of quality and timeliness, technical expertise and knowledge, inventiveness, originality, and initiative, performance denotes an exceptional degree of accomplishment and dedication. Employees at this level of performance ought to have shown remarkable proficiency in all areas of accountability. The accomplishments and contributions made by employees to the organizations are exceptionally good.


Very Satisfactory

The performance was better than anticipated. Above the set standards, all targets, goals, and objectives were met.



Performance was up to standard in terms of punctuality, efficiency, and quality of work. The most important annual targets were achieved.



One or more of the goals were not achieved, and/or performance fell short of expectations.



There was persistently poor performance and/or no discernible progress made toward important objectives. In one or more crucial areas, there is a need for significant improvement.

The accomplishments’ overall assessment or rating must be in three (3) decimal places and fall into one of the following adjectival ratings.


Adjectival Rating




Very Satisfactory





below 1.499


Competencies will be observed for learning objectives. Using this grading system, an individual’s competency demonstration will be assessed.




Role Model


Consistently Demonstrates


Most of the Time Demonstrates


Sometimes Demonstrates


Rarely Demonstrates

Grievances and Appeals

1. Every level of the organization must establish a grievance committee to serve as an appeals board and the last arbiter for any disputes about the use of RPMS.

2. The performance review and evaluation phase’s office performance assessment will be final and non-appealable. During the performance review meeting, any concerns or appeals regarding an office’s first performance assessment will be aired and resolved.

3. Within ten (10) working days of receiving notice of their final performance evaluation rating from the rater, employees who feel wronged or unsatisfied with their ratings can file an appeal with the Grievance Committee at their level. However, the ratee is not permitted to object to their fellow employees’ performance ratings. The ratee’s ratings can serve as a point of reference when appealing the individual performance rating.

4. After receiving the appeals, the Grievance Committee has one (1) month to make a decision. Any appeal filed with a grievance committee will be subject to the agency’s hierarchy of grievance committee authority. The Division Grievance Committee’s judgment, for instance, can be appealed to the Regional Grievance Committee, which can then appeal it to the Central Office Grievance Committee.

Video: Mid-Year Review Form SY 2023-2024 for Teacher I-III

Watch the video below by YouTuber Teacher Eloisa to know how to accomplish electronic IPCRF.

DepEd Transmutation Table Formula for Student’s Final Grades

DepEd Transmutation Table

On May 15, 2013, the Philippine government enacted the Republic Act (RA) No. 10533, also known as the “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013.” This legislation aims to enhance the country’s education system by bolstering the curriculum and adding two more years to complete basic education. As a result, the Department of Education (DepEd) implemented the K to 12 Curriculum and a new grading system to assess learners’ performance. The department also issued the DepEd Transmutation Table to help teachers evaluate learners’ final grades.

Also Read: Brigada Pagbasa Program

Its issuance conforms with the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. This grading system can help implement the K to 12 curriculum, specifically in classroom assessment. In addition, it enables teachers to monitor and evaluate learners’ progress so they can appropriately modify their instructions and teaching methods. With the DepEd Transmutation Table, teachers can properly assess learner’s knowledge, performance, development, and competencies. Therefore, teachers should familiarize themselves with this formula, from initial computation to transmuting grades.

DepEd Transmutation Table

What is the DepEd Transmutation Table?

The DepEd Transmutation Table contains the formula for evaluating learners’ final grades. In this formula, all grades depend on learners’ weighted raw scores from summative assessments. To pass a learning area, learners should meet a minimum grade of 60. It is converted to 75 when applied to the report card. Meanwhile, 60 should be the lowest mark appearing on the report card. Hence, the transmutation table serves as a conversion of grades that appear on the report card.

DepEd Order 8, series 2015

Following the implementation of the Enhance Basic Education Act of 2013 or Republic Act (RA) No. 10533, the Department of Education issued the DepEd Order (DO) 8, series (s.) 2015, titled “Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program. This policy consists of guidelines for classroom assessment, which took effect in the school year (SY) 2015-2016. It also contains a standard and competency-based grading system.

DepEd Order 8, series 2015, also enclosed the steps for computing grades. The following instructions below show how to compute the transmuted grade:

  1. Get the total score for each component.
  2. Divide the total raw score by the highest possible score. Next, multiply the quotient by 100%.
  3. Convert Percentage Scores to Weighted Scores. Then, multiply the Percentage Score by the weight of the component.
  4. Add the Weighted Score of each component to obtain the Initial Grade.
  5. Afterward, transmute the Initial Grade using the DepEd Transmutation Table.

DepEd Memorandum 42, series 2020

On March 15, 2020, the Department of Education issued the DepEd Memorandum (DM) 42, series (s.) 2020, known as the “Guidelines for the Remainder of School Year 2019-2020 in Light of COVID-19 Measures.” It is promulgated concerning public health safety to prevent local transmission of COVID-19 within communities. Through the Office of the President (OP) and the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF), the Philippine government enforced strict social distancing measures and guidelines to manage COVID-19 cases. DepEd adopts social distancing measures for the remainder of the school year (SY) 2019-2020.

Furthermore, a transmutation table is issued to schools or classes within educational institutions unable to administer the 4th Quarter Examination. The transmutation formula can help evaluate the final grades of learners who cannot take the said examination. However, schools should still use DepEd Order 8, series 2015 (Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program) to compute learners’ Fourth Quarter grades, except if based on class standing (CS) consisting of performance tasks and written works.

Enclosure No. 2 to DM 42, s. 2020

The following table represents the range of Initial Grades and corresponding Transmuted Grades that will appear in the learner’s report card:

Table 1. Transmutation Table for Grades 1-10 and Non-Core Subjects of TVL, Sports, and Arts & Design

Table 1 shows the class standing (CS) totals 80% using the original formula for all learning areas in Grades 1 to 10 and non-core subjects in the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL), Sports, Arts, and Design track for Senior High School (SHS). After calculating the weighted score in every component, the CS grade of learners can be transmuted using the table below to determine the Fourth Quarter Grade.

DepEd Transmutation Table

Table 2. Transmutation Table for SHS Core Subjects

Table 2 represents the CS totals of 75% in the original formula for all core subjects in Senior High School (SHS), Work Immersion, Research, Business Enterprise, Simulation, Exhibit, and Performance in the Academic Track. After computing each component’s weighted score, the CS grade of learners can be transmuted using the table below to obtain the Fourth Quarter Grade.

DepEd Transmutation Table

Table 3. Transmutation Table for all other SHS Subjects in the Academic Track

Meanwhile, CS totals 70% in the original formula for all other SHS subjects in the Academic Track. Then, the CS grade of learners can be transmuted using the table below to find out the Fourth Quarter Grade once you have computed the weighted score of each component.

DepEd Transmutation Table

Enclosure No. 3 to DM 42, s. 2020

Apart from the transmutation table, DepEd released a sample computation table for Grades 1 to 10. Enclosure No. 3 below contains steps and computations to determine the Transmuted Grade, which will appear in the learner’s report card.

Sample Computation for Grades 1-10

DepEd Transmutation Table

Video: THE DEPED TRANSMUTATION FORMULA | Excel for Teachers | Carlo Excels

Watch the video below to learn more about the DepEd Transmutation Formula:

As discussed in the video below, educational institutions in the Philippines have adopted the DepEd Transmutation Table since the school year 2015. The Department of Education issued this grading system, consisting of the initial grade of learners and the transmuted grades appearing on the report card. While many may say this grading system is troublesome, the transmutation table can be automated in Excel.

Teachers no longer need to compute the transmuted grade manually since they can apply it to Excel. Moreover, there are various ways that teachers can automate the transmutation table. Thus, teachers can easily convert or transmute the initial grade of learners, which will appear on the report card.


Classroom assessment is a vital process to track and evaluate learners’ progress. This process will provide quantitative and qualitative information regarding learners’ obtained knowledge, skills, and competence. It will also ensure that teachers comply with the curriculum standards to provide quality education. Aside from that, teachers can use their assessments to change their teaching methods, ensuring learners can comprehend the instructions provided.

With that said, teachers can use the results of their evaluation to determine learners’ progress in various components, from written work, performance tasks, and quarterly assessments. Compute these figures to obtain learners’ initial grades or raw scores. After calculating the initial grade, teachers will convert or transmute the grades based on the DepEd Transmutation Table, which should appear on the learner’s report card.

Inclusive Education In The Philippines

Inclusive Education In The Philippines

The best approach to ensure that every kid has an equal opportunity to attend school, study, and acquire the skills necessary for success is through inclusive education. All students should attend the same schools and classrooms to practice inclusive education. It entails actual educational possibilities for historically marginalized groups, including minority language speakers and children with disabilities.

Also Read: Republic Act No. 4670: Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

When school personnel, students, parents, and the community come together to support inclusive education, all children—regardless of their race, size, shape, color, ability, or disability—are welcomed and valued. Inclusive systems recognize the distinct contributions that students from different backgrounds make to the classroom and foster the growth of varied groups for the good of all.

Inclusive Education In The Philippines

Inclusive Education in Public Schools

Several regulations have already been implemented to guarantee that students with special needs can live full, dignified lives and are not deprived of their access to education. As stated in Article 26 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 14 Section 1 of the Philippine Constitution of 1987, this is both an international duty and a constitutional responsibility.

Also Read: Brigada Pagbasa Program

Special laws, such as Republic Act No. 7277 – Magna Carta for Disabled Persons – and Republic Act No. 11650 (Inclusion and Services for Learners with Disabilities in Support of Inclusive Education), which are intended to guarantee equitable access to high-quality education, are what make these mandates possible (Gita-Carlos, 2022).

Of the 2.2 million children with disabilities in the Philippines who lack access to education—a fundamental human right—just 2% have benefited from special education. The majority of these kids reside in remote, rural locations, so their parents should be aware of the educational options available to them.

Comprehensive Inclusive Program

The right of these kids to an appropriate education in a regular or inclusive classroom setting is ensured by the Department of Education’s (DepEd) organized urgency in addressing this issue.

Program components for Inclusive Education:

A. Parental Involvement – The children’s intellectual, moral, and spiritual development will be greatly aided by this. In addition to monitoring their children’s academic progress, parents should also offer support to other parents and volunteer to assist teachers in the classroom.

B. Curriculum Modifications -must comprise methods for providing services such as team or cooperative learning, teacher consultation programs, and others. One key component of the inclusion program is the availability of support services from experts and professionals, parents, volunteers, peers, and pals to kids with special needs.

C. Child Find – Through the family mapping survey, lobbying efforts, and networking with local health workers, it is possible to determine the whereabouts of these children. This list will include the special needs kids that aren’t enrolled in school. Special Education (SPED) teachers will visit these kids, and they should persuade their parents to enroll them in the closest SPED centers or schools.

D. Assessment– This ongoing process of determining a child’s strengths and limitations for appropriate program grade placement makes use of both official and informal approaches. Regular schools will receive assessment assistance from the Division’s existing SPED Centers.

E. Program Options– Special education needs students will get instruction in regular schools, whether or not the teachers are educated in SPED. SPED Centers or instructors with SPED training will provide instructional services to these schools.

E.1. A self-contained class for kids with comparable difficulties, either mono-grade or multi-grade, supervised by a certified SPED teacher, will be the initial program option set up for these kids.

E.2. The other alternative is to include the disabled kid in normal education or general education classes alongside their peers, under the guidance of a regular teacher or a teacher with special education training who will attend to the requirements of the child.

E.3. The third alternative is a resource room program, in which the disabled kid is taken out of the regular or general education classroom and reports to a SPED teacher who offers child-centered interventions, small-group instruction, and/or one-on-one learning.

Also Read: Oplan Balik Eskwela: How to Participate in Your School

Advantages Of Philippine Inclusive Education

Inclusionary education has many advantages in the Philippines, including:

1. Encouraging chances for lifelong learning for everyone

2. Improving educators’ professionalism and tenacity in adjusting to inclusive policies and innovative teaching methods.

3. Promoting cooperation between Indigenous organizations and the government to address their specific educational requirements and cultural rights.

4. Incorporating engaging, affirming, and nurturing elements to create a framework for inclusive environments.

5. Increasing the interventionist attitude and comprehension of faculty members in higher education institutions to better serve students with unique needs.

6. Furthermore, by utilizing efficient accommodations like multimedia tools, films, and one-on-one teaching techniques, inclusive education in the Philippines seeks to include all students with special needs, especially those who have hearing impairments.

Together, these initiatives help to build a more just and encouraging learning environment where every student can realize their full potential.

What Inclusive Education Initiatives Do Philippine Catholic Schools Support? 

By placing a strong emphasis on stakeholder engagement, offering professional development opportunities for educators, and fostering inclusive settings that value diversity and put the needs of all students first, Philippine Catholic schools support inclusive education.

To serve kids with special needs, teachers in these schools are urged to use innovative teaching strategies, participate in ongoing professional development, and adopt inclusive practices. In addition, these educational institutions prioritize the creation of curricula that incorporate inclusive ideas and expressions, bolstering them with diverse pedagogical approaches to foster an inclusive school community.

The advancement of inclusive education for all kids, including those with special needs, is greatly aided by Philippine Catholic schools, which promote inclusion, provide specialized training, and encourage collaboration among educators and other stakeholders.

How Can The Philippines’ Inclusive Education Practices Be Resolved? 

Interaction among stakeholders is essential to resolving inclusive education practices in the Philippines. This involves collaborative efforts between educators, parents, professionals, and school staff.

1. Access to educational resources and services, as well as continual professional development, are essential for educators.

2. For general education teachers to fulfill the requirements for implementing inclusive education programs, schools should include training modules and seminars. Furthermore, to adopt special education initiatives, schools need to have enough learning support staff, instructional materials, and specific practices.

3. It is important to establish a supportive, encouraging, and caring atmosphere that encourages cooperation, dialogue, and decision-making among parents, instructors, and students.

4. In addition to customizing their methodology and regularly upgrading their proficiency in inclusive education, teachers should get training in inclusive education.

5. Prioritizing each student’s access to education, addressing their differences, and enhancing their talents calls for strengthening and expanding inclusive education.

Video: Introduction to Inclusive & Special Education: Definition, Scope, and Goals

To learn more about Inclusive education in the Philippines, watch the video below from YouTuber Sir Jhob.

Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

Competent and skilled teachers are essential in building the nation to provide quality education. Teachers’ primary role is to produce holistic learners with 21st-century skills and values to support the country’s development. That’s why the Department of Education (DepEd) developed the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST).

Also Read: Salary of DepEd Teachers Explained

Through the PPST, DepEd and the Philippine government stipulate the professional standards and qualities teachers should possess to guarantee they can effectively educate the new generation. It is created due to the national and global changes in the education system, boosting the quality of learning and student achievement.

Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

What is Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) is a public statement regarding the knowledge, values, and competency teachers should apply in their practice. According to DepEd Order (DO) 42, series (s.) 2017, the statement enclosed in PPST should be utilized as the basis for all learning and development programs, ensuring teachers can properly administer the K to 12 programs. Teachers’ performance evaluation, selection, and promotion should also conform with PPST.

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Due to the K to 12 program and ASEAN integration, the Department of Education (DepEd) launched the PPST to comply with globalization and meet the transforming characters of 21st-century learners. It will replace the (National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS), developed with the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders. The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) funds the PPST, which supports the Philippine National Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) at the Philippine Normal University (PNU).


  • Determine clear expectations for teachers and distinct career stages of professional development.
  • Encourage teachers to embrace persistent efforts to obtain proficiency.
  • Administer a constant measure to evaluate teacher performance, determine needs, and support professional development.


PPST focuses on quality requirements for teachers in the K to 12 program, including:

  • Mother tongue simply teaching and learning
  • Learners in challenging conditions
  • Strategies to promote literacy and numeracy
  • Positive use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Strategies for effective communication in the classroom


  • Endorse programs for preliminary teacher education
  • Register and accredit teachers
  • Raise the quality of professional learning
  • Identify and recognize exceptional high-level practice
  • Develop standards for leadership
  • Establish a consistent assessment process linked to all PPST Career Stages
  • Maintain a well-organized documentation process relevant to the Indicators that achieve Career Stages

Implementation of Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

DepEd Order 42, series 2017

The Department of Education issued the DepEd Order (DO) 42, series (s.) 2017, which specified the “National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPS).” On August 11, 2017, DepEd Secretary Leonor Magtolis-Briones signed this policy to recognize the importance of professional standards for teachers, ensuring their continuous professional development and advancement anchored on lifelong learning principles.

Professional Standard

With the CHED Memorandum Order 52, series 2007, and DeEd Order (DO) 32, series (s.) 2009, the Philippine Government institutionalized the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) as a foundation of teacher quality. It is part of the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) administration and expedited by considering the following learning programs:

  • Basic Education Assistance for Mindanao (BEAM)
  • Strengthening Implementation of Visayas Education (STRIVE) project

Third Elementary Education Project (TEEP)

Teacher Quality in the Philippines

Good teachers are vital to boosting student achievement through quality learning and teaching. With that said, teachers are expected to possess the following qualities based on PPST Domains:

  • Realize the significance of mastery of content knowledge and its interconnected across curriculum areas
  • Provide a fair, safe, secure, and supportive learning environment to promote learner achievement and responsibility
  • Create learning environments that respond to learner diversity
  • Correspond with the national and local curriculum requirements
  • Utilize various assessment tools and strategies to monitor, evaluate, document, and report learners’ needs, progress, and achievement.
  • Establish school-community collaboration and engagement to enhance the learning environment and education process.
  • Promote harmonious and professional relationships with learners, parents, schools, and the community.
  • Value professional development and personal growth, and maintain qualities that support the dignity of teaching.

PPST Domains & Strands

Domain 1 – Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

  1. Content knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas
  2. Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning
  3. Positive use of ICT
  4. Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy
  5. Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills
  6. Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English in teaching and learning
  7. Classroom communication strategies

Domain 2 – Learning Environment

  1. Learner safety and security
  2. Fair learning environment
  3. Management of classroom structure and activities
  4. Support for learner participation
  5. Promotion of purposive learning
  6. Management of learner behavior

Domain 3 – Diversity of Learners

  1. Learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences
  2. Learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic, and religious backgrounds
  3. Learners with disabilities, giftedness, and talents
  4. Learners in difficult circumstances
  5. Learners from Indigenous groups

Domain 4 – Curriculum and Planning

  1. Planning and management of the teaching and learning process
  2. Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies
  3. Relevance and responsiveness of learning programs
  4. Professional collaboration to enrich teaching practice
  5. Teaching and learning resources and ICT

Domain 5 – Assessment and Reporting

  1. Design, selection, organization, and utilization of assessment strategies
  2. Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement
  3. Feedback to improve learning
  4. Communication of learner needs, progress, and achievement to key stakeholders
  5. Use of assessment data to enhance teaching and learning practices and programs

Domain 6 – Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

  1. Establishment of learning environments that are responsive to community contexts
  2. Engagement of parents and the wider school community in the educative process
  3. Professional ethics
  4. School policies and procedures

Domain 7 – Personal Growth and Professional Development

  1. Philosophy of teaching
  2. Dignity of teaching as a profession
  3. Professional links with colleagues
  4. Professional reflection and learning to improve practice
  5. Professional development goals

Also Read: Magna Carta for Teachers

Video: Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST): EXPLAINED | Joie’s Universe City

Watch the video below to learn more about PPST:

As discussed in the video, the Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers (PPST) specifies the requirements for quality teachers. These teachers are competent as they know how and what to teach and mingle with students. As mandated by PPST, quality teachers are globally competent and can demonstrate their skills, knowledge, disposition, and values. Thus, aspiring teachers and those in practice should conform to the PPST provisions.


Due to the various changes in the Philippine education system, it is vital to ensure that teachers possess adequate knowledge, skills, and competence to keep up with the needs of 21st-century learners. Competent teachers should also think globally and locally to administer quality teaching and learning. Therefore, the implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) is a great initiative, encouraging educators of professional development and personal growth. As a result, the government will be able to produce graduates who can help with the nation’s development.

Industrial Arts Strand Explained

Industrial Arts Strand

Do you find the process of constructing items using various tools fascinating? Do you hope to work as an inventor someday? Using the Industrial Arts strand, you can realize your ambition! However, what is its purpose and how can it help you?

Also read: Philippine High School for the Arts (PHSA)

Students can acquire the understanding and expertise required for employment through the Industrial Arts strand under the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood path.

Industrial Arts Strand

What Is Industrial Arts Strand?

Industrial Arts Strand is the one you should study if you plan to take any technical-vocational courses because the Technical Livelihood Education courses within it follow the TESDA curriculum. You can learn carpentry, automotive maintenance, driving, electronics repair, electrical installation, welding, plumbing, and tile setting from Industrial Arts.

Also Read: STRAND in Senior High Explained

Students can enhance their technical skills by participating in the Industrial Arts Strand. Jobs in the automobile, electronics, plumbing, welding, construction, and many other industries can benefit from these talents. This strand actually attempts to create field experts proficient in multiple technological areas. These are the top specializations within the Industrial Arts strand, in addition.

What Can Be Done Following SHS (Senior High School)?

After taking up this strand, anticipate starting work right away. Painting, pipe filling, welding, masonry, shoemaking, pottery making, foremaning, and bag making are among the jobs you can do. One could pursue a career in hardware, masonry, souvenirs, building contracting, or other related fields if they possess the courage and funds to launch their own firm.

Industrial engineering, mechanical designing, applied technology, or mechanical engineering are all options for undergraduate study.

What Information Is Necessary Regarding The Industrial Arts Strand? 

The Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track’s Industrial Arts strand equips students with the knowledge and abilities needed for employment. Among them are manual and technical skills in:

  • Automotives and Driving – Driving, Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing, Automotive Servicing
  • Carpentry and construction – Tile Setting, Construction Painting, Masonry, Furniture Making
  • Electrical and Electronics – Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing Electric Power Distribution Line Construction, Mechatronics Servicing,
  • Plumbing
  • Repair and installation – Domestic Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Servicing, Electrical Installation, Transmission Line Installation and Maintenance, and Maintenance
  • Welding – Gas Tungsten Arc, Gas Metal Arc, Shielded Metal Arc
  • Industrial Arts Strand

Do you find the process of constructing items using various tools fascinating? Do you hope to work as an inventor someday? Using the Industrial Arts strand, you can realize your ambition! However, what is its purpose and how can it help you?

Students can acquire the understanding and expertise required for employment through the Industrial Arts strand under the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood path.

What Is Industrial Arts Strand?

Industrial Arts Strand is the one you should study if you plan to take any technical-vocational courses because the Technical Livelihood Education courses within it follow the TESDA curriculum. You can learn carpentry, automotive maintenance, driving, electronics repair, electrical installation, welding, plumbing, and tile setting from Industrial Arts.

Students can enhance their technical skills by participating in the Industrial Arts Strand. Jobs in the automobile, electronics, plumbing, welding, construction, and many other industries can benefit from these talents. This strand actually attempts to create field experts proficient in multiple technological areas. These are the top specializations within the Industrial Arts strand, in addition.

What Can Be Done Following SHS (Senior High School)?

After taking up this strand, anticipate starting work right away. Painting, pipe filling, welding, masonry, shoemaking, pottery making, foremaning, and bag making are among the jobs you can do. One could pursue a career in hardware, masonry, souvenirs, building contracting, or other related fields if they possess the courage and funds to launch their own firm.

Industrial engineering, mechanical designing, applied technology, or mechanical engineering are all options for undergraduate study.

Also Read: TVL Strand Courses in the Philippines

What Information Is Necessary Regarding The Industrial Arts Strand? 

The Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track’s Industrial Arts strand equips students with the knowledge and abilities needed for employment. Among them are manual and technical skills in:

  • Automotives and Driving – Driving, Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing, Automotive Servicing
  • Carpentry and construction – Tile Setting, Construction Painting, Masonry, Furniture Making
  • Electrical and Electronics – Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing Electric Power Distribution Line Construction, Mechatronics Servicing,
  • Plumbing
  • Repair and installation – Domestic Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Servicing, Electrical Installation, Transmission Line Installation and Maintenance, and Maintenance
  • Welding – Gas Tungsten Arc, Gas Metal Arc, Shielded Metal Arc

Subjects With Specialization In TVL Track: Industrial Arts (IA) Strand

The specializations that make up this Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) component correspond to certifications in the automobile and land transport, construction, electronics, furniture and fixture, metal and engineering, and utility sectors. Specialists in industrial arts will be able to show that they have the knowledge, abilities, and moral principles necessary to use current industrial and engineering technologies to provide machine safety, installation, manual craftsmanship, and repair and maintenance services.

Industrial Arts (IA) Strand Specialized Subject List For TVL Track


Number of Hours   


Automotive Servicing (NC I) updated based on TESDA Training Regulations published 28 December 2013


Automotive Servicing (NC II)


Automotive Servicing

(NC I)

Carpentry (NC II)


Carpentry (NC III)


Carpentry (NC II)

Construction Painting (NC II)


Domestic Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning (DOMRAC) Servicing (NC II)


Driving (NC II)


                        Electrical Installation and Maintenance (NC II)


Electric Power Distribution Line Construction (NC II)


Electrical Installation and Maintenance (NC II)

Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing (NC II) updated based on TESDA Training Regulations published 28 December 2013


Furniture Making (Finishing) (NC II)


Instrumentation and Control Servicing (NC II)


Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing (EPAS) (NC II)

Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) (NC II)


Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) (NC II)

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) (NC II)


Shielded Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) (NC II)

Machining (NC I)


Machining (NC II)


Machining (NC I)

Masonry (NC II)


Mechatronics Servicing (NC II)


Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing (EPAS) (NC II)

Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing (NC II)


Plumbing (NC I)


Plumbing (NC II)


Plumbing (NC I)


Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (Packaged Air-Conditioning Unit [PACU] / Commercial Refrigeration Equipment [CRE]) Servicing (NC III)


Domestic Refrigeration and Air-conditioning (DOMRAC) Servicing (NC II)

Shielded Metal Arc Welding (NC I)


Shielded Metal Arc Welding (NC II)


Shielded Metal Arc Welding (NC I)

Tile Setting (NC II)


Transmission Line Installation and Maintenance (NC II)


Electrical Installation and Maintenance (NC II)

What Will You Get After Completing The Course?

If you pass the TESDA examinations, completing a course in the Industrial Arts strand will grant you the prerequisites for both National Certificates and Certificates of Competency in each topic. Obtaining these credentials is crucial, particularly if you’re seeking for employment in the commerce and electronics sectors.

Also Read: ICT Meaning Strand (Information Communication and Technology)

Degree Programs Or Courses At Colleges You Can I Enroll In After Senior High School

Pursuing a college degree is an additional option to working directly after graduation or starting your own business.

Here are some classes you can take at college if you want to further your education:

  • Applied Technology-Technologists are being developed in the realm of applied technology. Basic engineering principles, as well as technological and technical abilities to assist business, industry, and technology & engineering education, will be taught to students studying applied technology.
  • Electrical Engineering- Design, develop, test, and oversee the production of electrical equipment, including power generation apparatus, radar and navigation systems, electric motors, and communications systems.
  • Electronic Engineering- Examine electrical system requirements and expenses. Equipment like electric motors, radar and navigation systems, communications systems, or power generation equipment are all designed, developed, tested, and manufactured under the supervision of electrical engineers.
  • Industrial Design- Create the ideas for produced goods like toys, household appliances, and automobiles. They create everyday items by fusing engineering, business, and the arts.
  • Industrial Engineering- Create effective systems that combine labor, equipment, supplies, data, and energy to produce goods or render services. They evaluate labor, logistics, quality assurance, and other aspects of production coordination.
  • Mechanical Designing-Technical designers and digital modelers that generate very exact technical designs and digital representations utilizing 2D and 3D CAD software are mechanical designers, sometimes called drafters. From the mechanical design engineer’s original sketches, a mechanical designer makes models and graphics.
  • Mechanical Engineering- Create power-consuming devices like air conditioning and refrigeration systems, as well as power-producing devices like electric generators, internal combustion engines, steam, and gas turbines. Other internal building machinery, such escalators and elevators, are designed by mechanical engineers.

Video: CARES | SHS TVL Track: Industrial Arts Strand

Watch the video below by YouTuber EdTV to learn more about Industrial Arts Strand.

DepEd Order 72 : Department of Education People’s Freedom of Information Manual and Implementing Details

deped order 72 Department of Education People’s Freedom of Information Manual and Implementing Details

Executive Order (EO) No. 2, series of 2016, enables the freedom of information system, which gives Filipino citizens the right to request any information regarding government operations, transactions, official/public records, and documents. Following the said EO, the Department of Education (DepEd) circulated the DepEd Order 72, series 2016, which allows Filipinos to request access to information, records, and data under its control or custody while protecting their privacy.

Also Read: Brigada Pagbasa Program

 DepEd Order 72 ensures that every Filipino has the right to information that concerns the public. This order adopts and enacts full public disclosure of all DepEd’s transactions that involve the public interest. Thus, the department issued implementing details based on their mandates and information in its control or custody. All Filipinos may request information from the department given the purpose or reason is valid.

deped order 72 Department of Education People’s Freedom of Information Manual and Implementing Details

What is DepEd Order 72

On November 25, 2016, the Department of Education issued the DepEd Order (DO) 72, series (s.) 2016. This order is titled the Department of Education People’s Freedom of Information (FOI) Manual and Implementing Details. Also known as the Department of Education People’s FOI Manual of 2016, DepEd Order 72 conforms with Executive Order (EO) No. 2 dated July 23, 2016, entitled “Operationalizing in the Executive Branch the People’s Constitutional Right to Information and the State Policies of Full Public Disclosure and Transparency in the Public Service and Providing Guidelines Therefor.”

Also Read: Oplan Balik Eskwela: How to Participate in Your School

Department of Education People’s Freedom of Information Manual and Implementing Details


The Department of Education People’s FOI Manual 2016 covers DepEd offices of the Secretary, Undersecretaries, and Assistant Secretaries. Additionally, it applies to all bureaus, services, and offices under the DepEd Central Office, as well as the field offices in the regions, divisions, and schools. Meanwhile, DepEd’s attached agencies may enact their manual or follow this order.

The agency includes the Childhood Care and Development Council, the National Book Development Board, the National Council for Children’s Television, the National Museum, and the Philippine High School of the Arts. However, they should promulgate their guidelines by applying the provision enclosed in this manual and ensure decisions on FOI requests are not appealable to DepEd.

Access to Information

Right to Information

As stated in Section 7, Article III of the 1987 Constitution, the State acknowledges the people’s right to information on matters that concern the public. Hence, all Filipinos should have access to information on official or public records, documents, and papers that concern offices, acts, decisions, or transactions. It also concerns government research data utilized as groundwork for policy development governed by DepEd.


Nonetheless, DepEd should deny access to information when the requested data falls under the exceptions in the Constitution, existing laws, or jurisprudence. The department will also reject the request to access information if it’s specified in the inventory of exceptions as characterized in the Circular promulgated by the Office of the President per Section 4 of EO 2, s. 2016.

Protection of Privacy

While giving access to information and official/public records, DepEd should apply the following to protect an individual’s right to privacy:

  • Guarantee that personal informal is disclosed or released only if it’s material/relevant to the subject matter of the request and its disclosure is permitted by existing laws, rules, or regulations
  • Protect personal information in its custody/control through reasonable security arrangements in case of leaks/premature disclosure, which improperly exposes the individual, causing harassment, criticisms, or wrongful acts.

All employees or officials who have access, authorized or unauthorized, to personal information in the safekeeping of DepEd must not disclose it unless permitted by existing laws, rules, or regulations.

Also Read: Philippine High School for the Arts (PHSA)

FOI Request

To access information from DepEd, every Filipino should submit a written request judiciously detailing the requested information, including the purpose or reason. Also, the request should contain the requesting party’s name, contact information, and proof of identification. The requesting party may submit it in person or via electronic/regular mail.

Where to Submit FOI Request

The department’s central and field offices accept FOI requests:

  • Public Assistance Action Center – Central Office
  • Regional Office
  • Schools Division Office
  • School

All the names of FOI Receiving Officers and the location and contact details of the offices are available on the DepEd official website.

FOI Receiving Officer

The department should designate an FOI Receiving Officer (FOI RO) at the Public Assistance Action Center of the Central Office, the Regional Office, the Division Office, and Schools. Once the request is received, the FOI RO will provide free assistance to help the requester with the requirements they need to comply with and stamp it with “received.”

Then, the FOI RO will input the request into the FOI Tracking System and release the requested information before the next working day after receiving the request. Furthermore, the department may refuse a request given the reason contradicts existing laws, rules, or regulations.

FOI Decision Maker

The Secretary should appoint one (1) FOI Decision Maker (FOI DM) for each Central Office, Regional Office, Division Office, and School authorized to grant or deny an FOI request. To select an FOI DM, the Regional Directors should request approval from the department.

Disposition of FOI Requests

DepEd should respond to FOI requests promptly but not over fifteen (15) working days after receiving it unless extended for research/examination. If the information is readily available, the FOI RO will release the information as soon as possible or within 15 working days.

Return to the Disposition of the Request to the FOI RO

The FOI DM will also return the disposition of the request to the RO within fourteen (14) working days of receiving it. It contains the response of the FOI RO, whether the request is granted or denied, and if the response period takes longer due to further examination/research.

Notice to the Requester of the Disposition of the Request

The FOI RO should also inform the requester of the disposition of the request within fifteen (15) working days after receiving it. If extending the response period, the notice should explain the reasons for the extension and the expected date.


FOI requests are free of charge unless the department asks for a reasonable fee to compensate for the cost of reproduction or printing of the information. DepEd should also publish the applicable fees.

FOI Tracking System

DepEd must create an FOI Tracking System, which contains records of receipt, referral, action, and final disposition of a request for information. As much as possible, it should be in a digital form.

Also Read: EBEIS: Enhanced Basic Education Information System 

DepEd Order 72 Full Memo Download

To access and download the complete PDF of DepEd Order No. 72, series of 2016, a direct link is available on this page. By clicking the download button below, you can easily obtain a copy of DepEd Order 72 in PDF format.

Full PDF DepEd 72 memo file: https://www.deped.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/DO_s2016_72corr.pdf


The issuance of DepEd Order 72, series 2016, promotes openness and transparency in all offices, bureaus, services, and schools of the department. Moreover, DepEd attached agencies may utilize guidelines in this order or develop their own based on the provision of this manual. Using the Department of Education People’s FOI Manual 2016 will also help DepEd embody fairness and moral uprightness. Therefore, all Filipinos are encouraged to use this manual when requesting access to information from the department.

Certificate of Recognition DepEd

Certificate of Recognition DepEd

A focused study program in particular skill or knowledge areas is required to obtain a Certificate of Achievement. These are intended to formally acknowledge students’ exceptional performance and accomplishment in the areas of leadership, social responsibility, and academics, among other areas of their growth and development.

Also Read: DepEd Homeroom Guidance Program

The awards are intended to inspire students to pursue greatness and take an active role in both the community and the school.

Certificate of Recognition DepEd

Who Can Receive A Certificate Of Achievements?

The Department of Education (DepEd) is adopting the enclosed Policy Guidelines on Awards and Recognition for the K–12 Basic Education Program in accordance with the implementation of Republic Act No. 10533, also known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (K–12 Law).

All students—including transfer students—who complete the requirements, standards, and procedures outlined in this policy will be acknowledged. Any given reward may be given to two or more recipients. Nevertheless, the rewards won’t be granted if there isn’t a qualifying student.

What Awards Are Being Given?

A.   Classroom Awards – During the quarter, semester, or year-end celebrations, a basic acknowledgement could be granted.

1. Performance awards for kindergarten

2. Conduct Awards

Character Traits for Kindergarten to Grade 3

Conduct Awards for Grades 4 to 12

3. Academic Excellence Award

Academic Excellence Award

Average Grade per Quarter

With Highest Honors/May Pinakamataas na Karangalan


With high Honors/ May Mataas na Karangalan


With Honors/ May Karangalan


4. Recognition of Perfect Attendance

 B. Grade-level Awards – granted to eligible students at the conclusion of the academic year in each grade level.

1. Academic Excellence Award

Table 2:

Academic Excellence Award

General Average

With Highest Honors/May Pinakamataas na Karangalan


With high Honors/ May Mataas na Karangalan


With Honors/ May Karangalan


2. Leadership Award

Table 3: Criteria for Leadership Award





1. Motivational Skills (40%)

a. Communicates effectively

b. Shows initiative and responsibility

c. Engages group &/or clubmates to participate actively

d. Establishes collaborative relationships

e. Resolves conflicts



2. Planning and Organizational Skills (40%)

a. Creates and organizes appropriate events for the club, class, or school

b. Implements planned activities effectively and efficiently.

c. Monitors implementation of plans and tasks

d. Manages and/or uses resources wisely



3. Contribution to the School and/or Community (20%)

Provides services and/or carries out community- and/or school-related activities






3. Outstanding Performance in Specific Disciplines Awards

  • Athletics
  • Arts (e.g., media, visual, performing arts, or music)
  • Communication Arts
  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Social Sciences
  • Technical-Vocational Education
  • Award for Work Immersion
  • Award for Research or Innovation
  • Award for Club or Organization Achievement

C. Special Recognition – It is awarded by the educational institution to students who have competed at the district, division, regional, national, and international levels and/or won. This serves to openly recognize students who have uplifted the school’s reputation.

What Is Given To Achievers? 

The school will present the grade-level honorees with diplomas, medals, and/or plaques carrying the Department’s official seal (DepEd Order No. 63, s. 2011). In order to maintain the honor and quality of the medals, certificates, and awards, schools must adhere to the requirements.

All recipients will get certificates detailing their particular prizes. It is crucial to remember that proportion and detail are crucial while preparing certifications. Additionally, the time and location of the school ceremony must be precise and comprehensive.

Table 4: Medal And Plaque Specifications


Technical Specifications

1. Academic Excellence Award

With highest honors


Medal with visible DepEd seal Diameter Size: 6cm

Weight: 30g

Ribbon width: 1 inch

Ribbon color: depending on region

With high honors


With honors


2. Award for Leadership


Medal with visible DepEd seal Diameter Size: 6cm

Weight: 30g

Ribbon width: 1 inch

Ribbon color: gold

3. Award for Work Immersion


Medal with visible DepEd seal Diameter Size: 5cm

Weight: 25g

Ribbon width: 1 inch

Ribbon color: depending on region

4. Award for Research/Innovation


5. Outstanding Performance in the specific learning areas award


6.  Award for Club or Organization Achievement (members from different grade levels)

Plaque for the club/organization Certificate for each member with the school logo

How Do Schools Qualify An Awardees?

At the start of each school year, the principal or head of the school will form an Awards Committee (AC) for each grade level. There should only be one (1) AC organized for tiny schools. At least three members of the teaching staff, a guidance counselor, or a designated teacher must make up the committee. There should be an odd number of committee members overall. Any teacher, department head, grade-level chairman, or curriculum head may serve as the AC’s chair. No member of the AC may be connected to any of the award nominees under the second degree of consanguinity or affinity.




Step 1

Establish the processes and timelines for accepting nominations and determining qualifiers for specific awards consistent with the policy guidelines.

May to June

Step 2

Create grading-specific rubrics for the awards

July to August

Step 3

Request approval of procedures, schedules, and rubrics from the principal or head of the school.


Step 4

Inform the school community about the authorized procedures, deadlines, and evaluation criteria.


Step 5

Based on the minimal standards specified by these guidelines, accept nominations for each award from the class/club advisers. The class/club adviser recommends those who fulfill the qualifications to the AC.


Step 6

Assess and select recipients for each award by comparing the learner’s portfolio (report card, certificates, and supporting materials) to the standards established by the AC.


Step 7

Submit the results of the evaluation and deliberation to the school head or principal for approval.

Step 8

Make sure the school community, parents, nominees, and class advisers are informed of the evaluation and discussion outcomes (in the event of a protest, the AC will assist in resolving it promptly).

Step 9

Announce or post the final list of awardees.

Sample Format Of Certificate Of Recognition DepEd

Sample Format Of Certificate Of Recognition DepEd

Video: DepEd Certificate Of Recognition-Matatag

Watch the video below from YouTuber Teacher Eloisa.

21st Century Literature From The Philippines And The World

21st Century Literature From The Philippines And The World

Our area’s lack of signal coverage means that the majority of students don’t have much access to the internet. Only those with the means to do so can occasionally access them. Thus, teachers favored modular learning.

Also Read: National Museum of the Philippines

The goal of the senior high school course 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World is to involve students in the critical analysis and appreciation of this literature, taking into account its diverse forms, genres, elements, structures, contexts, and traditions.

21st Century Literature From The Philippines And The World

What Is 21st Century Literature?

The years 2001 through the present were the writing years for 21st-century literature. Contemporary writers write in the 21st century. Because literature from the Old Century followed a regular plot (beginning, middle, and end), it frequently deviates from traditional writing styles or is fragmented.

Filipino literature is as varied and rich as the more than 7,500 islands that comprise our archipelago. This is hardly unexpected given that there are 183 living languages (ethnologue.com) in 82 provinces spread over 17 regions. It is possible to just consider the vast array of artistic communication (written or oral) that has been inherited and shared by communities, generations, and organizations. Then and nowadays, Philippine literature has taken many different forms and genres. Evaluated and examined their structures, forms, traditions, and elements.

Littera, a Latin word meaning “a letter of the alphabet,” is where the word literature originates. The Website Britannica claims that literature has historically been characterized as a collection of writings connected to innovative and creative works of both prose and poetry, and they can be categorized using several approaches, including topic matter, genre, historical era, language, and country of origin.

Also Read: Republic Act 10533: Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013

Written or spoken words can be used to create literature. The literature delivered orally passed down from one generation to the next before being recorded in writing. Literary texts are the written works of literature. A text may be seen as literary if it incorporates chronology and psychological characterization. Furthermore, literary devices like symbolism and metaphor are used in writing. Perusing for the two most popular reasons people read literature are for amusement and education.

The following sums up literary text features the best: (1) It tells a story.; (2) The emotions, ideas, and concepts conveyed in it may be from the author’s imagination, their own experiences, or those of others; and (3) It overcomes time, location, culture, and language barriers while delivering important information.

Literature also follows a particular structure. In literary terms, the framework literary technique, of which the most common kind is the narrative. Parts of the narrative structure (or plot) are the exposition, falling action, climax, resolution (denouement), and rising action.

Two Major Forms Of Literature

1. Poetry

Poetry is typically written in lines, this literary form is distinguished by possessing shape, sound, rhythm, and imagery elements. Its primary goal is to convey emotions, ideas, and thoughts. It is separated into three categories: lyrical, dramatic, and narrative poetry.

Dramatic Poetry

This emotionally engaging play in verse narrates a story and is meant to be performed or sung by a character speaking in poetry in front of the audience.

Lyric Poetry

Poetry that expresses feelings instead of describing a story is the most common kind.

Narrative Poetry

Characters, location, conflict, and other narrative components are all included in a poem that tells a story.

2. Prose

This literary work, in contrast to poetry, uses a natural flow of speech and grammatical structures, primarily composed of whole sentences ordered logically and sequentially into paragraphs.


Character reactions to the conflict and other topics that are crucial to a literary work are a result of the writer’s creative thinking and vivid imagination. Novel, novella, and short story are its three categories. Crime, fantasy, romance, science fiction, westerns, motivational, historical fiction, and horror are the primary genres.


These are narratives based on actual events that the authors hope to portray, analyze, or characterize using factual information. Writings such as essays, journals, diaries, feature stories, editorials, and the like may convey the writers’ assessments, opinions, and commentary.

Major Forms of Literature Examples



  • Dramatic
  • Monologue
  • Soliloquy


  • Haiku
  • Ode
  • Elegy
  • Sonnet
  • Song


  • Epic
  • Ballad
  • Metrical
  • Tales



  • Short Story
  • Novel
  • Play
  • Legend
  • Fable


  • Biography/Autobiography
  • Narrative Essay
  • Memoir
  • Diaries
  • Journal

Literature History

When the Spanish arrived, literature’s focus abruptly shifted. Novelistic genres, including Corrido, Pasyon, and Cenaculo, frequently placed a strong focus on religion and morals. When printed materials began to be produced, they were primarily intended for religious themes and purposes. The local Filipinos were to be taught ancient Spanish customs and ways of life. Native tradition endured and flourished despite this indoctrination, particularly in regions where the colonial power was less well-liked. Later on in Spanish colonization, literacy helped the Filipino people to feel more like a country. Beginning with Dr. Jose P. Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere and its sequel, El Filibusterismo, Filipino writers began to address oppression, corruption, and other social evils.

Improvements in culture and education served as inspiration for writers of the American Period. Because public education is free, all Filipinos now have access to knowledge and information. The Filipino writers emulated American and English models while undergoing apprenticeship. Filipino authors have studied all genres of literature. Short stories were the most popular literary form at this time. Numerous poets, such as José Garcia Villa, who was named the international “Poet of the Century,” began to become well-known both domestically and abroad as a result of their increased proficiency in the English language.

The growth of Philippine literature was halted during Japan’s occupation of the country from 1941 to 1945 since there was little freedom of speech at the time. Only writers who were living abroad were allowed to write anything critical of the regime in the Philippines. Short stories published in the nation’s vernaculars expanded as a result of the English language restriction.

Also Read: DepEd: Department of Education Philippines – History, Mandate, Organizational Structure, Programs & Services

Video: Brief Overview of 21st Century Literature of the Philippines and the World| Senior High School

To learn more about 21st century literature, you may check the link below from the YouTuber Teachinglearning English.

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