Inset Meaning School – What is Inset in DepEd?

In light of the value of continuous professional growth, the DepEd office hereby orders all SGOD Team members, school heads, Public Schools District Supervisors (PSDSs), and Education Program Supervisors to supervise and offer the required technical support before, during, and following the activity to guarantee the effective completion of Division Mid-Year In-Service Training (INSET) for Teachers.

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Inset Meaning School - What Is Inset In DepEd

What is INSET in DepEd?

For teachers to maintain and preserve their capacities to deliver high-quality instruction and learning in the classroom, in-service training, or INSET, is deemed essential. To keep basic school teachers’ skills and knowledge up to date, DepEd, development partners, non-governmental organizations, and school associations periodically organize workshops and seminars. Nevertheless, in terms of their capacity to improve classroom performance, several of these activities are so broad in their application that they fail to meet the particular requirements of teachers.

What is meant by INSET is the wide variety of practices and activities that teachers engage in to broaden their knowledge, hone their capacity to teach, and increase their productivity at work.

The main goal of the INSET is to equip everyone taking part with practical skills that are in line with the meticulously evaluated needs of the school, guaranteeing the continuous provision of excellent instruction. Furthermore, it aims to support the overall health of all staff members by coordinating with the DepEd-recommended topics. This strategic alignment will support the school’s ongoing efforts to uphold its goal of providing outstanding education while advancing the professional development of its staff and teaching staff.

SDO-based INSET topics will center on NEAP Central Office activities like the following:

  • English, math, and science Professional Learning Packages (HOTS-PLP) for Higher Order Thinking Skills
  • Enhancing Educational Settings for Early Literacy through Instructional Leadership Training (ILT)

In contrast, school-based INSET will concentrate on meeting the requirements of teachers for professional growth and learning as well as information exchange regarding the following policies and high-priority initiatives:

  • Child Rights Policy: DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2022, Adopting the Rights-Based Education Framework in Philippine Basic Education
  • DepEd Child Protection Policy: DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012
  • Early Language Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN)
  • Fridays for catch-up
  • National Learning Camp
  • National Mathematics Program
  • National Reading Program
  • Online training for Microsoft 365 Productivity offered by DepEd Philippines
  • Policy Guidelines (DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2018) for the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education
  • Safe Spaces Act: Republic Act No. 11313
  • Teacher training for non-major subjects (such as Filipino, MAPEH, etc.)

Also Read: Republic Act 10533: Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013

INSET Objectives

The following are INSET objectives:

  • Allow teachers to gain innovative teaching strategies and resources for topic areas
  • Enhance and broaden teachers’ knowledge about academic subject matter to improve their qualifications
  • Help teachers hone their human relations management abilities
  • Teach teachers how to manage and administer classes and schools.
  • To promote collaboration among teachers

How INSET Works?

The Multi-year Implementing Guidelines on the Allocation and Utilization of the Human Resource Development Fund for Teachers and School Leaders, also known as DepEd Order No. 30, s. 2021, states that expenses related to the management of SDO-organized INSET may be charged to INSET Funds, subject to the standard accounting and auditing procedures of the government.

In between periods, the school-based INSET may be conducted using Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) in compliance with DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2016, also referred to as the Implementing Guidelines on the Direct Release and Use of MOOE Allocation of Schools, Including Other Funds Managed by Schools, subject to the standard accounting and auditing procedures of the government.

To guarantee that every teacher has received the required interventions for their learning and development needs, an INSET report needs to be submitted using this link: The necessary data must be encoded and reported by the SGOD HRDS SEPS and SMME SEPS. The INSET reports’ accuracy and correctness will be guaranteed by the NEAP-R/HRDD.

Please get in touch with Mr. Dustin Troy R. Joson, Senior Education Program Specialist, and Dr. Marife T. Morcilla, Chief of the NEAP Professional Development Division if you would like additional information.

Also Read: How to Write a Letter of Intent for Teachers


Watch the video below to learn more about DepEd’s In-Service Training (INSET) program.

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