DepED BEIS: Basic Education Information System

The Department of Education (DepEd) created the Basic Education Information System (BEIS) to simplify its data-gathering process. It will enable the department and schools to record and collect data in a centralized portal to enhance information management. The BEIS DepEd has various features that schools can utilize to ensure their records and learners’ profiles are correct and valid.

Also Read: EBEIS: Enhanced Basic Education Information System 

 In addition, this portal can process various data that can help the department improve school facilities, teacher performance, and policies to promote quality education. Under the BEIS portal, modules cater to the department’s various needs and address issues in different areas, including physical facilities, achievement, textbooks, health, nutrition, and school sports. That’s why relevant stakeholders should use the BEIS DepEd.

Basic Education Information System (BEIS)

What is BEIS DepEd

On March 8, 2024, the Department of Education issued the DepEd Memorandum titled the “Basic Education Information System (BEIS) School Year (SY) 2023-2024 Data Collection.” The BEIS serves as DepEd’s main Management Information System (MIS), which assists in processing essential data for performance monitoring, resource allocation, and budget preparation. Gathering accomplished data forms will enable educational institutions to update their school profiles and other information.

 Furthermore, BEIS will ensure that DepEd is committed to collecting and generating quality education data. The collected data will also help DepEd create policies and enhance the provision of quality basic education in the Philippines. Hence, all public and private schools in the country, including state/local universities and colleges that offer basic education, should participate in data gathering.

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BEIS Modules

As of writing, BEIS consists of the following modules, catering to the various needs of DepEd:

1. School Statistics Module

The BEIS-SSM allows input data on Form 3 or the Monthly Report on Enrolment and Attendance of Pupils/Students. SSM also records other school statistics, including classrooms, toilets, utilities, furniture, and teaching and non-teaching personnel. DepEd used this data to generate performance indicators and budget reports. It also helps monitor and determine if the monthly enrolment declines.

In addition, it contains data about the pupil, school head, promotees, shifters, ICT facilities, SPED data, and teacher assignments. This module enables education officials to distinguish schools with pupils/students at risk of dropping out before the SY concludes. Thus, schools can implement projects and programs within the school year to reduce the dropout rate of students.

2. Physical Facilities Module

This module helps address the needs of the Physical Facilities Coordinator. Currently, the Physical Facilities Module can only record the School Building Card, which refers to the damages incurred due to calamities and the status of titling school sites.

3. Achievement Module

The BEIS DepEd Achievement Module generates the results of the National Achievement Test and the Regional Achievement Test, streamlining the checking procedure.

4. Textbooks Module

Under BEIS DepEd, users will find the Textbooks Module, where you can encode and process school data, generating reports to facilitate the planning and budgeting of textbooks required in each subject level and grade area. This module can also help determine areas with a surplus of books that can be reallocated to schools with inadequate provisions.

5. Health and Nutrition Module

The BEIS Health and Nutrition Module allows users to enter and process data about the nutritional condition of pupils and students enrolled in public schools in the country.

6. NCBTS Module

DepEd created the BEIS NCBTS Module to determine the aptitude strengths and gaps between teacher’s current and expected competencies in Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes, which is measured using the Teacher’s Strengths and Needs Assessment (TSNA) of the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS).

7. Palarong Pambansa Module

This module publishes an official gallery of athletes eligible to join the Palarong Pambasa. The National Screening Committee adopted this module when the Palarong Pambasa 2010 was held in Tarlac City from April 11-17, 2010.

8. School Sports Module

DepEd has also designed the School Sports Module to record athletes’ data and generate a master list of those partaking in activities, like the Regional Meets or the National Palaro.

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Basic Education Information System (BEIS) SY 2023-2024 Data Collection

A. Guide in Reporting Select Data/Information Requirements in BEIS SY 2023-2024

School heads should follow the instructions or reminders below to ensure proper reporting of data:

  • Integrated schools using shared facilities, such as internet connectivity, electrical, and water supply, should report the same data at all levels (elementary and secondary levels).
  • The average cost of monthly bills or maintenance should have the same report for both levels, elementary and secondary, given the integrated school has only one (1) water, electric, or internet billing.
  • The count of computers in integrated schools should depend on the number of recipient levels. It means that allocated computer units for elementary schools must only be counted at that level despite being utilized by secondary students.
  • Shift relates to time schedules for various sets of classes for different learners, such as morning and afternoon shifts. However, DepEd does not consider night classes a shifting schedule. Implement shifting schedules if there’s a shortage of resources, such as teachers and classrooms, necessary to conduct classes.
  • Cases that are only properly documented can be reported as suicide and attempted suicide. It must undergo collaboration, investigation, and validation with relevant authorities, medical officers, guidance counselors, social workers, or mental health coordinators handling the learner’s case.
  • Group hand washing facilities must follow the standards wherein at least ten (10) elementary learners and four (4) junior high school (JHS) or senior high school (SHS) students can accommodate it.
  • For private schools and state/local universities and colleges offering at least two (2) levels, elementary, JHS, or SHS, the facilities commonly used or shared by learners from various levels, such as toilets, classrooms, laboratories, and computers, should be counted for both levels.

B. Data Validation

The BEIS DepEd specified that the program focal person should cooperate with the Division Planning Officer on their program data and sign the forms to verify the accuracy and validity of the data reported. Below are the Division Focal Persons and their corresponding Data Elements:

  •  EPS-in-Charge of Special Programs (ALS, SPED, Sports, Madrasah, IPED, Multi-Grade) – Curriculum-related data on learners (IP, Muslim ED, SPED)
  • DRRM Coordinator – DRRM and other relevant activities
  • HR Personnel – Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel Data
  • Information Technology Officer – Computer, Internet, and other ICT
  • Finance Personnel – MOOE
  • Education Facilities Personnel/Legal Officer – Instructional/Non-Instructional Rooms, including electricity, water, and other sanitation facilities, school location, travel details
  • Health and Nutrition Personnel – School Health Nutrition, including waste management, tobacco control
  • Sports Coordinator – School Sports
  • SPG Coordinator – School Government Program
  • Youth Formation Coordinator – School Government Program (Youth Formation, SPG, SSG)

C. Timelines

Listed below are the schedule of BEIS-related activities:

  • March 25, 2024 – Start of BEIS SY 2023-2024 Encoding
  • May 31, 2024 – End of BEIS SY 2023-2024 Encoding
  • May 1-31, 2024 – Data Validation


 As discussed in the video, authorized school personnel can upload their BEIS report to the official DepEd website at Sign in using the school head account to access the BEIS. Tap the drop-down menu below the user account name and select the Basic Education Information System to access the BEIS dashboard. From there, you can upload the BEIS report or watch the provided tutorials to learn more about its features. Thus, the BEIS DepEd portal streamlines the process of recording and updating essential school data.


With the BEIS DepEd portal, schools can easily record, monitor, and generate essential data, which can help track teachers’ performance and allocate resources and budget. This portal facilitates data gathering to ensure that the school profile of educational institutions is updated and to generate information that can help enhance the quality of education. Therefore, public and private schools are encouraged to utilize the BEIS DepEd.

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