DepEd COT Forms – Classroom Observation Tool

The Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines has a long-standing problem caused by teacher shortages. In fact, the teacher-to-student ratio in the country is currently at 1:40, which is still relatively high compared to the ideal ratio of 1:30. As the shortage of teachers continues, schools in highly urbanized cities tend to have bigger classes, almost double the recommended class size ratio. That’s why DepEd has created the Classroom Observation Tool (COT) to help teachers implement effective teaching methods by evaluating their classroom performance.

Also Read: DepEd COT Classroom Observation Tool

DepEd COT Rating Sheet from the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST), a growth-oriented framework or tool developed to assess teachers’ performance in classroom settings. Based on the DepEd Order (DO) 42, series (s.) 2017, the department seeks to implement the same criteria to assess teacher performance, support their professional development, and acknowledge their needs. Thus, the DepEd COT Rating Sheet can help address the lack of teachers in the country and enhance the quality of education through classroom observation and implementing effective teaching strategies.

DepEd COT Forms Classroom Observation Tool

What is the DepEd COT Rating Sheet

The DepEd Classroom Observation Tool (COT) Rating Sheet can help teachers assess and improve their teaching methods and classroom practices. COT consists of forms covered by the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS). It will help evaluate teachers’ performance from Teacher I to Master Teacher IV. These forms are available online and updated by DepEd every school year to implement any changes in teaching practices or curriculum.

On the DepEd Facebook page, administrators can download the latest COT forms for the school year (SY) 2023-2024 for Proficient Teachers (Teacher I to Teacher III) and Highly Proficient Teachers (Master Teacher I to Master Teacher IV). Apart from COT forms, teachers can utilize various resources from DepEd, including:

  • RPMS tools for SY 2021-2022
  • FAQs on the Alternative Classroom Observations for RPMS SY 2021-2022
  • RPMS Tool for Teachers I-III Full-Time Teachers Broadcasters during COVID-19 for SY 2021-2022


Through the DepEd COT forms, teachers and students can implement and evaluate various aspects of classroom education, like teacher-student interaction, study involvement, and general classroom setting. By conducting classroom observation, teachers can ensure the provision of high-quality education. It enables administrators to assess instructional methods, provide informative criticism to teachers, and positively impact students’ conduct.

Administrators can also use the COT forms to facilitate students’ involvement assessment and ensure teachers comply with curriculum requirements.

After downloading the COT forms online, teachers and administrators can utilize them to assist in classroom monitoring. Additionally, the forms contain predetermined indicators agreed upon by teachers and observers. It will help ensure teachers are prepared and determine expected teaching behaviors during the observation. In short, the purpose of the COT Rating Sheet is to standardize teaching strategies, making it possible to conduct coaching, mentoring, performance review, and assessment, which are necessary to support teachers in their professional development.

Also Read: List of Attached Agencies under DepEd

Aligned RPMS for Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)

Under the COT-RPMS tools, DepEd provided distinct assessment methods for Teachers I to III (Proficient Teachers) and Master Teachers I to IV (Highly Proficient Teachers). These tools contain details about teachers’ roles and responsibilities in various career stages. It consists of the Key Result Areas (KRAs) that will assist teachers in fulfilling their roles and goals to achieve the KRAs. A detailed demonstration of the Means of Verification (MOV) will help achieve goals and performance indicators.

Ready Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF)

The COT-RPMS tools have a Ready IPCRF, prioritizing quality over quantity. It promotes effective instructor and professional development. DepEd created these tools to address teachers’ problems when producing IPCRFs and MOVs. The Ready IPCRF tools also ensure unbiased and standardized evaluation of teachers’ methods and performance in the classroom. Providing pre-made IPCRF tools will also lessen teachers’ workload, allowing them to focus on their teaching.

The Classroom Observable Strands of PPST

The nationally verified Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) contains 21 classroom observable strands. These strands serve as a basis for COT form indicators in the Proficient career stage, including:

Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

Strand 1.1 – Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas

Strand 1.2 – Used a range of teaching strategies to enhance literacy and numeracy skills

Strand 1.3 – Teaching strategies to develop critical, creative, and higher-order thinking skills

Strand 1.4 – Exhibit proficiency in Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English

Domain 2: Educational Environment

Strand 2.1 – Established a safe and secure learning environment

Strand 2.2 – Maintain learning environments, promoting respect, care, and fairness

Strand 2.3 – Supervise classroom activities and organization

Strand 2.4 – Encourage learner involvement

Strand 2.5 – Promote purposeful education

Strand 2.6 – Manage learner’s behaviors

Domain 3: Learner Diversity

Strand 3.1 – Learners gender, experiences, needs, passions, and abilities

Strand 3.2 – Learner’s language, religious, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds

Strand 3.3 – Learners with disabilities, giftedness, and talents

Strand 3.4 – Learners facing difficult circumstances

Strand 3.5 – Native ethnicities

Domain 4: Planning and Curriculum

Strand 4.1 – Supervising and organizing the teaching process

Strand 4.5 – ICT-based learning and teaching resources

Domain 5: Reporting and Assessment

Strand 5.1 – Development, selection, and utilization of assessment methods

Strand 5.3 – Feedback to improve teaching practices

Classroom Observation Tool Forms

COT forms can help supervise and assess different facets of classroom instruction, such as student engagement, teacher-student interactions, and overall classroom environment. The following photos below show the COT forms , including:

A. COT Rating Sheet

A. COT Rating Sheet

B. COT Inter-observer Agreement Form

B. COT Inter-observer Agreement Form

C. COT Observation Notes

C. COT Observation Notes

Video: COT for TEACHERS I-III SY 2023-2024 | Observable Indicators with clear Explanation and Examples

Watch the video below to learn more about DepEd COT Rating Sheet:

As discussed in the video, the information about DepEd COT for SY 2023-2024 is enclosed in DepEd Order (DO) 8, series (s.) 2023, titled the “Multi-Year Guidelines on the Results-Based Performance Management System-Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers.” On SY 2023-2024, teachers should prepare for the nine (9) observable indicators that will guide their classroom performance. Hence, teachers should be familiarized with the specified indicators in the DepEd COT Rating Sheet to implement effective and efficient teaching methods.


With the continuous advancement in various industries, enhancing the quality of education is crucial to producing employable graduates who will contribute to the nation’s success. Correspondingly, the Department of Education implemented the mandatory utilization of the COT Rating Sheet, which consists of forms that will guide administrators and teachers in the Philippines. The COT form is an objective and standardized approach to monitor and assess classroom practices. By utilizing these forms, teachers can improve their teaching techniques and students’ learning experience, boosting the country’s quality of education.

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