DepEd Order 34: School Calendar and Activities for the School Year (SY) 2022-2023

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the educational sector suffered greatly, causing some schools to cease their operation and students to stop their education. This health crisis also restricted the delivery of in-person classes to prevent the spread of the virus. But as the world recovers, children’s education was left behind. Thus, the Department of Education (DepEd) issued the DepEd Order 34 to promote quality learning.

Also Read: Brigada Eskwela Program: How to Participate in Your School

This policy aims to help schools and teachers transition from online to in-person classes. It contains guidelines on the start and end of the school year and the delivery of relevant activities to maximize the academic days. Furthermore, the policy encloses the conduct of assessments and activities for the school year and its recommended delivery dates.

Deped Order 34 School Calendar and Activities for the School Year 2022-2023

What is DepEd Order 34

On July 11, 2022, the Department of Education (DepEd) issued the DepEd Order (DO) 34, series (s.) 2022, titled the School Calendar and Activities for the School Year (SY) 2022-2023. The department issued this order in conformity with its dedication to resume the five (5) days of in-person classes regardless of the health plight caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

As per the Republic Act (RA) 11480 that amended Section 3 of RA No. 7797 or “An Act to Lengthen the School Calendar from Two Hundred (200) Days to Not More Than Two Hundred Twenty (220) Class Days,” the DepEd Order 34 mandates that the School Year 2022-2023 should formally commence on August 22, 2022, Monday, and must conclude on July 7, 2023.

The order states that there should be 203 school days, or it could be decided based on more issuances for changes in the school calendar caused by unpredicted occurrences. If not amended, the SY 2023-2024 should formally commence from August 28, 2023, to June 28, 2024, and SY 2024-2025 will start from August 26, 2024 to June 27, 2025.

Implementing Guidelines on the School Calendar and Activities for the School Year 2022-2023


To ensure the successful enactment of the K to 12 curriculum despite the difficulties brought on by the pandemic, the Department of Education (DepEd) promoted an initiative to strictly support the public health protocols while applying policies that guarantee the delivery of available, reactive, and quality education until the end of the said crisis. The DepEd Order 34 also gives schools ample time to gradually transition into five (5) days of in-person classes considering the COVID-19 pandemic.

Additionally, the policy encourages schools and community learning centers (CLCs) to abide by the school calendar to conform with the prescribed number of school days to obtain the learning standards. It intends to provide schools and CLCs with instruction and guidelines regarding the re-opening of classes, the slow transition into a 5-day in-person learning modality, and the administration of curricular and co-curricular activities in the said number of school days.


Under the DepEd Order 34, the department provides Implementing Guidelines on the School Calendar and Activities for School Year 2022-2023. These guidelines apply to all public and private elementary and secondary schools and CLCs nationwide. The academic calendar may also apply to private schools, local/state universities, and colleges (LUCs/SUCs). These educational institutions may commence classes not before the first Monday of June and not behind the last day of August.

Policy Statement

DepEd issues these guidelines to ensure compliance of all public and private schools and non-DepEd educational institutions in implementing the required number of school days, curriculum, and authorized co-curricular activities for the academic year. It guarantees that school days are dedicated to relevant activities to help learners obtain the learning standards. Furthermore, this policy provides guidelines for the re-opening of 5 days of in-person classes and a gradual transition to full operational capacity throughout the pandemic.

General Guidelines

  • The School Year 2022-2023 should formally commence on Monday, August 22, 2022, and conclude on Friday, July 7, 2023, with a total of 203 days or determined based on issued changes in the academic calendar because of unforeseen events.
  • The department will not require inspections, tools, or additional requirements to re-open schools and implement the 5-day in-person classes, excluding complying with the standard pre-pandemic regulatory permits and licenses as required by ordinances or law.
  • Schools should suspend classes during regular and special national and local holidays, as per law or Presidential Proclamation.
  • The DepED Order 34 remains effective despite the COVID-19 alert level imposed by the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Disease or the Department of Health (DOH) in areas with established schools.
  • The Alternative Learning System (ALS) should formally start on the same date. However, the program duration will based on the existing knowledge level or learners’ educational background before enrolling in ALS.
  • The school calendar in this order may also be implemented by private schools and state or local colleges and universities, given they commence classes on the first Monday of June and not after the last day of August. Moreover, the number of school days in this order should be solely dedicated to academics and relevant co-curricular activities.
  • DepEd strictly prohibits schools from organizing extra-curricular activities and will issue a separate DO for the list of co-curricular activities. Regardless of the COVID-19 alert level, this order should apply in areas with schools. As preparation for the commencement of classes, schools should conduct the Brigada Eskwela and Oplan Balik Eskwela.

A. Preparation for SY 2022-2023

To prepare for the opening of classes for SY 2022-2023, public schools should perform the following activities on the respective dates:

  • Enrollment – held from July 25, 2022 to August 22, 2022
  • Brigada Eskwela – performed on August 1-26, 2022
  • Oplan Balik Eskwela – conducted on August 15, 2022

 Meanwhile, public schools already enforcing the 5-day in-person classes at the end of SY 2021-2022 should continue its implementation at the start of the incoming school year. Based on the issued amendment to DepEd Order 34 on October 21, 2022, private schools may continue to apply the following options:

  • 5 days of in-person classes
  • Blended learning modality (modular, online, television, or radio-based instruction):
  • Three days of in-person classes and two days of distance learning (e.g., Monday to Wednesday – in-person classes and Thursday to Fridays – distance learning)
  • Four days of in-person classes and one day of distance learning (e.g., Mondays to Thursday – in-person classes and Fridays – distance learning)
  • Full Distance Learning

Beginning November 2, 2022, all public schools should transition to 5-day in-person classes. After that, no public schools should implement full distance learning or blended learning, excluding those exempted by the Regional Director, classes automatically canceled because of calamities and disasters, and those enacting Alternative Delivery Modes as per DO 21, s. 2019 (Policy Guidelines on the K to 12 Basic Education Program) and DO 1, s. 2022 (Revised Policy Guidelines on Homeschooling Program.

 Moreover, the allotted time for in-person class hours depends on DO 21, s. 2019, in Annex 1 (Elementary Education) and Annex 2 (Secondary Education). With the transition to 5 days of in-person classes, educational institutions must provide psychosocial support in the first week of the school year since learners may face new challenges and stressors. The DepEd Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Service will orient K-12 teachers regarding the administration of psychosocial support activities to protect learners’ socio-emotional well-being and develop their coping skills throughout the transition.

B. Basic Education Development Plan (BEDP) 2030

As endorsed in DO 24, s. 2022, the Basic Education Development Plan (BEDP) 2030 prioritizes four development areas, including:

  • Pivoting to quality to ensure all learners obtain learning standards in all key stages in the K to 12 program
  • Promote accessible education for groups in disadvantaged situations to guarantee fair and inclusive quality delivery of service
  • Empower learners to be flexible and obtain life skills
  • Boost the promotion of learners’ overall well-being in a positive learning environment, allowing them to exercise their rights and experience joy while recognizing their sole responsibility as a member of society

C. Learning Recovery and Continuity Plan (LRCP)

This policy highly encourages Regional Offices to impose a set of strategies and interventions for the Learning Recovery and Continuity Plan focusing on the following areas:

  •  Learning remediation and intervention
  • Socio-emotional functioning, mental health, and well-being
  • Professional development of teachers

 In addition, teachers should comply with the conditions of DO 8 s. 2015, which requires the provision of remediation or extra lessons to learners with grades below 75 for intervention.

D. Classroom-Based and System Assessments

This policy also states that schools should still implement the “Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)” for SY 2022-2023. Nonetheless, classroom assessment should adhere to DO 8, s. 2015 titled The Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program. Also, teachers should regularly conduct the following formative assessments to ensure the delivery of quality learning:

  •  Early Language Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (ELLNA)
  • National Achievement Test (NAT)
  • National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE)
  • Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) Group Screening Test (GST)
  • Multi-Factores Assessment Tool (MFAT)

E. Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities

Classes should be suspended immediately during regular and special national and local holidays. The school days should also be for academics and related co-curricular activities. Furthermore, the Sulong Edukalidad requires schools to dedicate ten (10) weeks of academic quarters to actual classroom teaching. Schools are also encouraged to incorporate the following celebrations or observances under Enclosure No. 3:

DepEd Order 34

DepEd Order 34

DepEd Order 34

DepEd Order 34

F. Career Guidance Activities

From August to December, schools should organize career guidance activities through in-person or hybrid to educate junior high school learners in creating informed decisions on their chosen senior high school track, including high school learners to pursue the following curriculum exits/tertiary education. In the last quarter of the school year, schools should conduct middle-level skills fairs, job fairs, business and entrepreneurship expos, and other relevant activities.

G. PTA Conferences and Cards Distribution

The policy also imposes that parent-teacher conferences and report card distribution should be on the second Saturday following the end of every quarter. Additionally, the proposed dates for these events are in Enclosure No. 2.

H. Five-Day Mid-Year Break

The Midyear Performance Review and Evaluation and the School-Based INSET should be on the five-day mid-year break. During the first two days of break, schools will undergo evaluation progress, while the last three days are for the delivery of the School-Based INSET activities for teachers, from professional development to Instructional Materials preparation.

I. Conduct of Learning Action Cell

The Learning Action Cell should continue by conducting it once a month via an in-person learning modality or virtually if in-person sessions are not applicable for clustered schools. As per DO 35, s. 2016, the delivery of Learning Action Cell may deduct the following topics:

  • Learner Diversity and Student Inclusion
  • Content and Pedagogy of the K to 12 Basic Education Program
  • Assessment and Reporting in the K to 12 Basic Education Program
  • 21st Century Skills and ICT Integration in Instruction and Assessment
  • Curriculum Contextualization, Localization, and Indigenization

J. General Assembly

Additionally, schools may perform in-person, online, or hybrid orientation at the start of the school year to provide orientation to stakeholders about the vision, mission, and core values of DepEd, curriculum, and other ancillary services promoting learner development and additional initiatives to improve the learning of students. This policy requires public schools to conduct a General Assembly at the start, midway, and end of the school year to present learners with School Report Cards (SRC).

K. Year-End Deliberation of Awards and Clearance

School Awards Committee should conduct deliberation of awards and recognition two weeks before graduation or moving-up ceremonies for the following:

  •  Learners with recognition and awards
  • Learners candidates for graduation

On the contrary, the department prohibits public schools from obtaining year-end financial clearance of learners as per DepEd’s No Collection Policy.

L. Christmas Break

The policy stipulates that Christmas break should start on December 19, 2022, Monday, while classes will resume on January 4, 2024, Wednesday.

M. Remedial Classes

Meanwhile, public schools should start their remedial classes on July 17, 2023, Monday. It should end on August 26, 2023, Saturday.

N. Enclosure No. 2

Under this policy, Enclosure No. 2 contains the school calendar with markings on pertinent dates:

  • Declared holidays (X)
  • Days for INSET, Curricular, and Co-curricular activities, and homeschool collaboration-related activities (᫅)
  • Days for the Administration of Academic Quater Examination (△)

DepEd Order 34

DepEd Order 34

DepEd Order 34

DepEd Order 34 Full PDF Memo Download

To download the complete memorandum of DepEd Order No. 34, series of 2022, please visit the Department of Education’s official website. For ease of access, a direct link is provided below:

Stay updated with the latest DepEd orders and memoranda by regularly visiting their website or subscribing to their official social media channels.

Video: DepEd Order 34 s. 2022 FACE TO FACE CLASSES TULOY NA

As stated in the video, DepEd is confident in the benefits of delivering in-person classes, promoting academic development and overall mental health and well-being of learners. Hence, the department issued an amendment to DepEd Order 34, series 2022, which allows private schools to offer blended learning modality and full distance learning options for students. It considers the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the investment of private educational institutions, causing some schools to shut down.


In summary, DepEd Order 34 series 2022 is vital to ensure continuous learning and delivery of quality education. This policy will guide schools in slowly transitioning to face-to-face classes. The policy also provides instruction on utilizing blended or distance learning modalities to consider the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to learners and educational institutions. Therefore, DepEd Order 34 is crucial in transitioning to a standard learning experience.

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