Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF)

The Department of Education (DepEd) has established guidelines for the establishment and implementation of the Result-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) in its Order No. 2, s. 2015. These guidelines cover all officials and employees, both school-based and non-school-based, in the Department holding regular Plantilla positions. They specify the precise mechanisms, criteria, and processes for the performance target setting, monitoring, evaluation, and development planning for schools and offices.

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The Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF), a well-structured evaluation tool, will provide teachers with insightful suggestions for improving their professional development.

Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF)

What Is Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF)?

All teachers must submit documents at the end of the school year. All reports and forms are included in these documents, including the Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF). IPCRF is an assessment tool used to rank government employees according to their annual accomplishments.

The Department of Education (DepEd) is dedicated to giving its employees the following chances for growth:

  • Connect their successes and meaningfully contribute to the realization of the mission and vision of the institution.
  • Develop both personally and professionally.
  • Encourage involvement, dedication, and personal and group development.

Implementing a Results-Based Performance Management System is in keeping with this philosophy at DepEd. It is a collaborative effort between the supervisor and the employee that facilitates an open discussion about job requirements, KRAs, objectives, and how these relate to departmental targets in general. It offers an opportunity for consensus on behaviors and performance standards that promote both professional and personal growth inside the institution.

The IPCRF EXCEL/PDF can be download through this link:

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This IPCRF form is divided into four parts:

PART I – Accomplishments of KRAs & Objectives

The goals of each department are greatly dependent upon each employee. The employee and his or her supervisor work together to identify the goals and actions that will help the department as a whole achieve its overall objectives at the start of the Results-Based Performance Management Cycle. Following that, the objectives are given weights according to their importance. The sum of the weights cannot be more than 100. The employee’s effectiveness/quality, efficiency (including cost), and timeliness in meeting the predetermined goals will be assessed at the end of the performance cycle.

Accomplishments of KRAs & Objectives

Accomplishments of KRAs & Objectives

Accomplishments of KRAs & Objectives

Accomplishments of KRAs & Objectives

Accomplishments of KRAs & Objectives

PART II – Competencies

An employee’s ability to apply a variety of skills on the job will determine how well he or she performs in fulfilling their function and exceeding expectations. The efficacy and regularity with which the employee exhibits behaviors pertinent to the competencies determines how well they are rated. The rating for each competency is added together, and the total rating is calculated by dividing the amount by the total number of competencies. If an employee’s performance level lies between the scale position descriptions, they may receive half-points (e.g., 3.5).


PART III – Summary of Ratings On Discussion

Summary of Ratings On Discussion

PART IV – Development Plans

Both the employee’s strengths and opportunities for improvement are acknowledged. The employee’s strengths are emphasized and acknowledged in this way. On the other side, official and informal training and development approaches are used to address development demands.

Development Plans

Numerical Rating

Adjectival Rating

Description Of Meaning Of Rating



In terms of quality and timeliness, technical expertise and knowledge, inventiveness, originality, and initiative, performance denotes an exceptional degree of accomplishment and dedication. Employees at this level of performance ought to have shown remarkable proficiency in all areas of accountability. The accomplishments and contributions made by employees to the organizations are exceptionally good.


Very Satisfactory

The performance was better than anticipated. Above the set standards, all targets, goals, and objectives were met.



Performance was up to standard in terms of punctuality, efficiency, and quality of work. The most important annual targets were achieved.



One or more of the goals were not achieved, and/or performance fell short of expectations.



There was persistently poor performance and/or no discernible progress made toward important objectives. In one or more crucial areas, there is a need for significant improvement.

The accomplishments’ overall assessment or rating must be in three (3) decimal places and fall into one of the following adjectival ratings.


Adjectival Rating




Very Satisfactory





below 1.499


Competencies will be observed for learning objectives. Using this grading system, an individual’s competency demonstration will be assessed.




Role Model


Consistently Demonstrates


Most of the Time Demonstrates


Sometimes Demonstrates


Rarely Demonstrates

Grievances and Appeals

1. Every level of the organization must establish a grievance committee to serve as an appeals board and the last arbiter for any disputes about the use of RPMS.

2. The performance review and evaluation phase’s office performance assessment will be final and non-appealable. During the performance review meeting, any concerns or appeals regarding an office’s first performance assessment will be aired and resolved.

3. Within ten (10) working days of receiving notice of their final performance evaluation rating from the rater, employees who feel wronged or unsatisfied with their ratings can file an appeal with the Grievance Committee at their level. However, the ratee is not permitted to object to their fellow employees’ performance ratings. The ratee’s ratings can serve as a point of reference when appealing the individual performance rating.

4. After receiving the appeals, the Grievance Committee has one (1) month to make a decision. Any appeal filed with a grievance committee will be subject to the agency’s hierarchy of grievance committee authority. The Division Grievance Committee’s judgment, for instance, can be appealed to the Regional Grievance Committee, which can then appeal it to the Central Office Grievance Committee.

Video: Mid-Year Review Form SY 2023-2024 for Teacher I-III

Watch the video below by YouTuber Teacher Eloisa to know how to accomplish electronic IPCRF.

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