ICT Meaning Strand (Information Communication and Technology)

How diverse companies and institutions function is being changed by information and communication technology (ICT). Economic growth is fueled by advancements in communication and technology, which have also changed several aspects of society. With National Certification II from TESDA, the graduates of this ICT strand will thus have the skills and abilities suitable for employment.

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Graduates have a good chance of finding employment because of the program’s extensive external connections and wide range of industrial partners, which will help them get on-the-job training.

ICT Meaning Strand

What Is ICT Strand?

The K–12 Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Track offers the Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Strand as one of its programs. Subjects in the ICT strand aim at teaching information technology concepts as well as abilities to learners. Learners will learn how to create websites and write programs as part of the ICT program. They will also be able to refine their illustration and animation abilities, which will help them excel in the creative industry.

The ICT strand includes medical transcription and telecom installation.

This strand will teach you applicable knowledge and abilities in a variety of fields, including computer programming, web design, and graphics. Whether you’re interested in working in animation, technical drafting, or Java programming, or just want to enhance other skills for work, ICT can surely help you.

The nicest part about this strand is that, if you pass the TESDA tests, you can obtain a National Certificate in each subject. Having a national certificate can help you get a better job later on.

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Purpose Of ICT Strand

Senior high school ICT learners receive the abilities and expertise required to be eligible for TESDA-backed certificates such as National Certificates (NC) and Certificates of Competence (COC). ICT strand SHS graduates can apply for IT employment straight out after graduating with these ICT strand programs. ICT is widely used in today’s education sector. It comprises portable communication devices including radios, televisions, and projectors, as well as computers and the Internet.

ICT Courses Or Degrees In College

More professions and courses are added to institutions because of the ongoing growth of technology. This gives learners more alternatives, nonetheless, you can start with these common ICT programs:

Bachelor of Science – Computer Engineering (BS – CE) 

Together with programming and technical abilities, computer engineering is a blend of computer science and engineering integrated into one interesting regulation.

In electronics hardware, computer engineers are your go-to specialists.

Careers For BS – CE Graduates 

  • Analysts of Computer Systems
  • Developer of Software Applications
  • Engineer for Computer Software
  • Manager of Computer and Information Systems
  • Systems Developer for Software

Bachelor of Science – Computer Science (BS – CS) 

Studying how computers operate and then using programming to provide them functions is known as computer science. Solvers of puzzles is what computer scientists do. To ensure everyone can use their phone, laptop, or app error-free, they utilize algorithms to both prevent and resolve errors.

Careers For BS – CS Graduates 

  • Analysts of Computer Systems
  • Engineer of Computer Software
  • Professional in Research and Development Computing
  • Specialist in Quality Assurance
  • Specialist in Software Support

Bachelor of Science – Data Science (BS – DS)

Studying data to extract valuable business insights is known as data science. It is an integrative strategy that combines concepts and techniques from computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematics, and statistics to analyze massive amounts of data.

Careers For BS – DS Graduates

  • Analyst for Planning and Decisions
  • Data Analyst
  • Database Programmer
  • Engineer for Business Intelligence
  • Statistician

Bachelor of Science – ESports (BS – E) 

The business or back-end side of esports is the primary objective of the Bachelor of Science in Esports program. Based on the core principles of Esports, the program offers two specializations: Esports Management and Game Design & Development.

Careers for – E Graduates 

  • Agent for Esports
  • Engineer for Animation
  • Graphics or Creative Programmer
  • Owner/Manager of the Team
  • Tester of Games

Bachelor of Science  – Entertainment and Media Computing (BS – EMC)

The study of entertainment and media computing involves using computer science to develop a variety of multimedia content for use in advertising and entertainment.

Careers For BS – EMS Graduates 

  • Engineer for Game Sound
  • Graphics or Creative Programmer
  • Producer of Digital 2D/3D Animation Content
  • Professional Game Quality Assurance
  • Technical Director or Game Designer

Bachelor of Science  – Information Technology (BS – IT) 

The study of integrating hardware and software technologies to produce computing solutions that meet the demands of different users and organizations is known as information technology.

Careers For BS – IT Graduates 

  • Administrator for Information Security
  • Assistant for IT Audits
  • Engineer for Networks
  • Personnel for Systems Integration
  • Web developer and applications

Bachelor of Science  – Information Science (BS – IS)

As future information systems professionals, information scientists teach learners how to build strong analytical, technical, and leadership abilities so they can excel in a global environment.

Careers For BS – IS Graduates

  • Analyst for Computer Systems
  • Analyst for Information Security
  • Information Architect
  • Network Administrator
  • Professionals who support databases

Also Read: EBEIS: Enhanced Basic Education Information System 

Video: 5 things ü need to know in the ICT strand

The ICT (information and communication technology) strand offers a lot of opportunities. YouTuber Kylaaa D outlines the most important 5 ICT-related facts you should be informed of.

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