The public school teachers in the Philippines are extremely valuable and priceless because they have the important task of shaping the thoughts and principles of young Filipino individuals. Furthermore, as civil servants, public school teachers generously devote their time and energy to support both the federal and local governments, especially during election seasons.
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That is why Republic Act No. 4670, also referred to as “The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers,” was enacted into law to give our public school teachers professional rights and protections in light of the demands and degree of difficulty of practicing their profession.
To create and maintain skilled individuals in the teaching profession, it seeks to improve the living and working conditions, career opportunities, and job security of public school teachers.
What is Magna Carta for Teachers?
The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers (Republic Act No. 4670) hereby declares that its policy is to advocate for and enhance the economic and social status of public school teachers, as well as their working and living conditions, terms of employment, and career prospects, so that they match favorably with opportunities already available in other areas of life. It also aims to attract and retain more individuals with the necessary qualifications in the teaching profession, acknowledging that advancement in education is dependent on the skills and qualifications of the teaching staff and that education is a crucial and productive investment for the country’s economic growth.
The term “teacher” as used in this Act refers to individuals who work full-time as classroom teachers at any level of instruction, including guidance counselors, school librarians, industrial arts as well as vocational instructors, and all other individuals executing administrative or supervisory duties in any of the schools, colleges, or universities run by the government or one of its political subdivisions; school nurses, school doctors, school dentists, and other staff members are not included in this definition of “teacher.”
We can better comprehend teachers’ rights thanks to the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers. It defends the rights of teachers, including tenure, academic freedom, and other privileges. Due to a lack of discussion, several teachers are unaware that this policy is in place.
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What is the Importance of Magna Carta for Teachers?
The purpose of the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers is to improve and strengthen public school teachers’ standing in society and the economy. It aims to improve their terms of employment, living and working conditions, as well as career opportunities.
Another purpose is to recruit and keep qualified individuals within the teaching field. The policy acknowledges that the country’s economic progress depends on education.
Republic Act No. 4670 June 18, 1966 – The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
House Bill No. 8384
This bill amends Republic Act No. 4670, which will now be referred to as the expanded Magna Carta for public school teachers, and serves further objectives by improving and broadening the employment rights and employment incentives of public school teachers.
This bill proposes modifying R.A. No 4670 (Magna Carta for Public School Teachers) in many aspects:
a). Recruiting, selecting, and credentials
b). The RQA’s appointment of a replacement teacher
c). Educational background mandatory for a fair promotion process
d). Termination after due process or for a reasonable cause
e). Requirements for approval of transfer
f). Moral code or code of ethics
g). Promotion and recruitment choices based on professional and academic qualifications;
h). Requirements for professional licenses that may be canceled or invalidated
i). Creating a separate research organization to examine instructional strategies;
j). Additional compensation for activities conducted off-campus
k). Additional compensation for exceptional hardship and health and safety risks
l). Preferred order for salary deductions
m). Wellness, health, and medical benefits
Video: Magna Carta for Public School Teachers | Sections 1 to 12 | Joie’s Universe City
Watch the video below to know the rights of the teachers – Magna Carta for Public Teachers – by YouTuber Mary Joie Padron.