Deped Order 6: Joint Delivery Voucher Program for (SHS) TVL Specializations (SY 2022-2023)

Senior High School (SHS) learners in the Philippines can pursue the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track (TVL). It consists of 4 strands, including the Agri- Fishery Arts (AFA) Strand, Home Economics (HE) Strand, Industrial Arts (IA) Strand, and the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Strand. To help learners enrolled in schools lacking in necessary facilities, the Department of Education promulgated the DepEd Order 6, series 2023, to facilitate the provision of financial assistance that will cover the tuition fee of Grade 12 learners.

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These guidelines will help DepEd personnel and officials to ensure proper implementation of the Joint Delivery Voucher Program (JDVP) for Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (SHS-TVL). With this policy, interested and eligible institutions can apply as JDVP-TVL Partners, given they comply with the requirements and conditions of the program. Furthermore, issuing this policy will boost the capacity of public and private schools that lack the facilities, tools, equipment, and teachers to enact the program. Thus, all concerned should adhere to the guidelines enclosed in this order.

Deped Order 6 Joint Delivery Voucher Program for (shs) tvl Specializations (SY 2022-2023)

What is DepEd Order 6

On March 21, 2023, DepEd Order (DO) 6, series (s.) 2023, is promulgated by the Department of Education, which contains the Guidelines on the Implementation of the Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Senior High School (SHS) Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Specializations for School Year (SY) 2022-2023. This policy conforms with the provisions of Republic Act (RA) 10533, titled the Enhanced Basic Act of 2013, and RA 11936, also known as the General Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2023.

DepEd Order 6, series 2023, aims to boost the capacity of DepED SHSs to enact the TVL track by cooperating with institutions equipped with essential resources, such as teachers, workshops, equipment, and tools, to implement the program. The guidelines under this order shall remain effective and in force for the duration of the program for SY 2022-2023.

Guidelines on the Implementation of the Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Specializations for School Year 2022-2023


These guidelines cover Grade 12 students enrolled in DepEd public SHSs under the TVL track who can take TVL specialization subjects in eligible or non-DepEd public SHSs and private TVIs for SY 2022-2023. It will also guide concerned offices in the DepEd Central Office (CO), Regional Office (RO), SDO, and schools in implementing the program.


Brief Description of the Program

  • The JDVP-TVL is a tuition fee assistance to Grade 12 students in DepEd public SHSs with insufficient facilities, equipment, tools, and teachers pertinent to implementing TVL specializations.
  • The tuition fee assistance should be given to learner-beneficiaries in the form of a JDVP-TVL voucher, allowing cross-enrollment to complete their TVL specialization in eligible private SHs, non-DepEd public SHSs, or private TVIs (JDVP-TVL Partners).
  • DepEd should pay the JDVP-TVL voucher amount after validating billing statements submitted by JDVP-TVL Partners based on the provided training services to learner-beneficiaries.
  • Learner-beneficiaries will not receive the payment since DepEd will pay it directly to the JDVP-TVL Partners bank accounts.


The program beneficiaries are Grade 12 students enrolled in the TVL Track in selected DepEd public SHSs for SY 2022-2023. Respective SDOs and ROs will evaluate and designate the DepEd public SHSs based on the following criteria:

  • Have been offering SHS-TVL for the past four to five years
  • Have been identified as having insufficient facilities, teachers, tools, and equipment for any TV specialization for the past two or three years
  • Located in areas where there are accessible private SHSs, non-DepEd public SHSs, or private TVIs that can provide additional training and instructions to learners to complete TVL skills and competencies they need

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Amount and Coverage of Vouchers

  • The JDVP-TVL voucher should be given to each learner-beneficiary in qualified public SHSs, amounting to P12,550.
  • The JDVP-TVL voucher covers the training costs for 320 hours per learner in any one or combination of one to four specializations conforming with TESDA Circular No. 12, s. 2017, and TVL Specializations.
  • The voucher subsidy for the assessment fee amounting to P550 should be limited to one National Certification (NC). Learner-beneficiaries should take their NC in any Assessment Center (AC) conducted before the end of the school year.
  • The JDVP-TVL Partners should collaborate and make essential arrangements with the AC about the assessment schedule conducted before the end of the school year.
  • The JDVP-TVL Partners may assess the total amount per learner-beneficiary based on the average training cost under HE, AFA, IA, and ICT. Also, the assessment fee should not exceed P550.

JDVP-TVL Partners

Interested private SHSs, non-DepEd public SHSs, and TESDA-accredited private TVIs should write a letter of intent to partake in the program to the designated SDO in their location. These institutions should also provide a copy of the letter to the respective Regional Office (RO) the week after the national orientation. Below are the requirements that potential JDVP-TVL partners should comply with:

For Private SHS/Non-DepEd Public SHS

  • Certified true copy of the Provisional Permit to offer SHS-TVL issued by DepEd
  • Board Resolution indicating the intention to partake and comply with SHS-TVL Curriculum Learning Standards
  • Attestation that the applicant partner is within the 8 km radius of the listed qualified DepEd public SHS
  • For applicant partners located beyond the 8 km radius – an attestation of their exact location
  • Training Plan specifying the applicable Learning Delivery Modalities and the plan for managing in-person training and education/assessment

For Private TVI

  • Certified true copy of TESDA accreditation
  • Board Resolution stating the intention to partake and comply with SHS-TVL Curriculum Learning Standards
  • Attestation that the applicant partner is within the 8 km radius of the listed qualified DepEd public SHS
  • For applicant partners located beyond the 8 km radius – an attestation of their exact location
  • Certificate of Recognition from TESDA that it can deliver the registered program with the preferred flexible learning mode
  • Training Plan should include in-person training and education of the chosen learner-beneficiaries

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DepEd Order 6 Full Memo Download

To access and download the complete PDF of DepEd Order No. 6, series of 2023, a direct link is available on this page. By clicking the download button below, you can easily obtain a copy of DepEd Order 6 in PDF format.

Full PDF DepEd 6 memo file:


With the issuance of DepEd Order 6, series 2023, concerned offices of the Department of Education can utilize this guide to effectively and fairly implement the Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Senior High School (SHS) Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Specializations. The guidelines enclosed in this order will also help private/non-DepEd public SHSs and private TVIs in the application and compliance of JDVP-TVL Partners.

In addition, these guidelines will assist parents, guardians, and Grade 12 students enrolled in DepEd Public SHSs under the TVL track. Therefore, this program will benefit learners by providing them with tuition fee assistance while funding DepED SHSs with inadequate teachers, facilities, tools, and equipment to ensure the successful implementation of the TVL track.

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