DepEd Order 20: Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP)

The Department of Education – Philippines developed the Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP), co-enforced by the Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC). It provides financial assistance in the form of vouchers to eligible senior high school learners enrolled in VP-participating senior high schools. Hence, SHS learners and their parents or guardians may refer to the DepEd Order 20, series 2023, to apply for this program.

 This policy contains guidelines to help DepEd implement SHS VP. In addition, Eligible learners can use these guidelines to learn about the SHS VP, including the eligibility criteria, grounds for exclusion, application procedures, requirements, timelines, activities, and other information about the program. DepEd will also utilize this policy to ensure the efficient, effective, and fair implementation of the SHS VP.

DepEd Order 20: Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP)

What is DepEd Order 20

Issued by the Department of Education on July 26, 2023, DepEd Order (DO) 20, series (s.) 2023, enclosed the Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP). It contains details on the processes and activities related to the VP-participating SHSs, including accepting qualified voucher recipients, requirements, application process, redemption, creating billing statements and payment of subsidies, and other information about the SHS VP.

Furthermore, the procedures, activities, and timelines will guide the DepEd Central Office (CO) and its stakeholders to effectively and efficiently implement the SHS VP and help incoming SHS learners in the application process. These guidelines apply nationwide, including the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), providing essential information to the VP-participating SHSs. However, this order does not cover Homeschooling and Philippine Schools Overseas (PSOs).

Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Voucher Program

Eligible for SHS VP

Below are the learners eligible for the SHS VP:

  •  Learners who completed Junior High School (JHS) in DepEd-operated public schools or public and private educational institutions not directly controlled by DepEd but granted by the department with a permit/government recognition to operate, except Homeschooling and Philippine Schools Overseas (PSOs)
  • Learners who completed Grade 10 as passers of the Alternative Learning System Accreditation and Equivalency (ALS A&E) Test or the Presentation Portfolio Assessment
  • Learners who completed Grade 10 as passers of the Philippine Education Placement Test (PEPT)

In short, these learners are called Grade 10 completers, divided into two:

1. Automatically Qualified Learners

Grade 10 completers who fall under the categories below are called Qualified Voucher Recipients (QVRs), automatically eligible for vouchers and no longer need to apply for the program:

  • Category A – All Grade 10 completers from the preceding SY in Public Schools
  • Category B – All Grade 10 completers from the preceding SY in Private Schools who are Educational Service Contracting (ESC) grantees

Voucher Applicants

The learners below are considered Voucher Applicants (VAs), which means they are required to apply for vouchers, and their applications are evaluated based on set parameters and availability of funds:

  • Category C – All Grade 10 completers from the preceding SY in Private Schools who are not beneficiaries of ESC
  • Category D – All Grade 10 completers who finished Grade 10 before the previous SYs but not earlier than 2016 and had not enrolled previously for Grade 11
  • Category E – Learners who passed the ALS A&E Test for Grade 10 not earlier than 2018 and had not enrolled previously for Grade 11 or ALS learners who passed the Portfolio Assessment for Grade 10
  • Category F – Learners who passed the PEPT for Grade 10 not earlier than 2016 and had not enrolled previously for Grade 11 or learners who will take the PEPT for Grade 10 in the upcoming SY

Meanwhile, DepEd may give additional vouchers based on the availability of funds and imposed criteria by the GAS Composite Team via a Resolution.

Ineligible for SHS VP

Learners who fall under the circumstances below are not eligible to apply for the SHS VP:

  •  Learners who graduated from High School in 2015 or earlier
  • Incoming Grade 12 learners who were not part of SHS VP in Grade 11; Nonetheless, DepEd may allow or consider these learners in exceptional cases via a Resolution by the GAS CT.
  • Non-Filipino learners

Voucher Application Procedure

Applicants qualified to apply for the SHS VP should submit their applications online through the Online Voucher Application Portal (OVAP) at DepEd discourages VAs from submitting multiple applications. Also, DepEd will not accept manual applications and those submitting their requests directly from the department’s office. Here are the steps on the online Voucher Application Procedure for SHS VP:

1. Visit the OVAP website at Create an OVAP account using a valid and active email address to proceed with the application.

2. Check your email address for confirmation and click the provided link to access the OVAP portal for registered users.

3. Fill out the electronic Voucher Application Form (VAF-1), which can be done in parts by VAs, and save all the changes.

4. Scan or take a picture of the following required documents and upload them in the OVAP:

  • Latest 2×2 colored ID photo
  • Notarized Affidavit of Occupation and income for all applicable: both parents/guardians and other people sending the VA to school
  • Signed Parent Consent Form for VAs below 18 years old at the time of the submission of the application
  • Certificate of Financial Assistance received from the JHS, if any
  • Certificate of Rating or Certificate of Completion for Category E applicants and Certificate of Rating for Category F applicants

5. Tap the attestation button and submit your application. (Note: An application should be attested before it can be considered complete.

6. Go to the OVAP website to check your application result. VAs whose applications were approved are eligible for the voucher and should be known as Qualified Voucher Applicants (QVAs).

7. Download the QVA Certificate from OVAP, which is required when redeeming the voucher. Also, QVAs should submit their QVA Certificate to the SHS where they choose to enroll, proving their eligibility for the voucher.

Tracking the Application, Follow-ups, and Inquiries

VAs should ensure their application is correct, complete, attested, and received on or before the deadline. Likewise, VAs should track their application status via their OVAP account. VAs may also email the PEAC National Secretariat at

Grounds for Exclusion from SHS VP

VAs must submit their application forms for processing and validation on or before the imposed deadline. Then, they will forward the results to DepEd for approval. On the other hand, DepEd will not process the following applications:

 Applications completed/submitted after the deadline

Unattested applications

Applications submitted by the learners from Categories A and B

Applications by learners who are not eligible for the SHS VP, including:

  • Learners who graduated High School in 2015 or earlier
  • Incoming Grade 12 learners who were not part of SHS VP in Grade 11
  • Non-Filipino learners

Here are the grounds for disqualification to SHS VP:

  • Application with false information or supporting documents
  • Failure of the submitted documents to support the declared information in the VAF-1
  • Failure to submit proof of eligibility to enroll for Grade 11 as an ALS Qualifier
  • Failure to submit proof of eligibility to enroll for Grade 11 as a PEPT Qualifier
  • Enrollment in SUCs/LUCs

Results of Application

DepEd will post the application results on OVAP, which can be accessed by VAs using their OVAP accounts. VAs will not receive a notification result regarding their application. Thus, VAs may also check the results announced on the PEAC NS and DepEd websites and other available media. Meanwhile, VAs under Categories E and F may qualify for the program based on the ALS A&E Test, Presentation Portfolio Assessment, and PEPT results.

However, VAs are not entitled to voucher redemption and do not qualify as Voucher Program Beneficiaries (VPBs) if they only passed the SHS VP application but fail to pass the ALS A&E Test or Presentation Portfolio Assessment and PEPT before the upcoming SY. DepEd, PEAC, and schools may also request supporting documents in the VA’s Notarized Affidavit, like the parent’s Income Tax Return and Certificate of Employment, during spot checks to guarantee the VA’s submission.

Conditions for Voucher Program Beneficiaries

Once enrolled, the VPBs may continue partaking in the SHS VP, transfer school, shift tracks/strands, or leave formal schooling, given they comply with the following conditions:

A. Continuing Participants

VPBs can only be considered continuing participants and retain their subsidy, given they are promoted to Grade 12 and continue studying in a VP-participating SHS. Also, there are no maintaining grades for VPBs. Nevertheless, VPBs can lose their subsidy if they do any of the following:

  •  Drop out in the middle of the SY
  • Do not reenroll in the upcoming SY
  • Fail to be promoted to the next grade level or retained at the same grade level
  • Transfer to another SHS within the SY
  • Transfer to a DepEd  SHS
  • Transfer to an SUC/LUC

On the contrary, VPBs who drop out of school due to an accident, pregnancy, prolonged illness, force, majeure, or death of a parent/guardian may return to the SHS VP given they submit essential documents to PEAC in support of their claim, like medical certificate issued by a licensed doctor.

B. Transferees

VPBs who transferred to a different SHS institution are considered transferees. But if the VPB transferred to a non-VP participating SHS, they will lose their subsidy. Moreover, VPBs should comply with the admission requirements of accepting non-DepEd SHS.

C. Shifters

VPBs who shift to a different learning strand or career track are considered shifters. To retain voucher subsidy, VPBs may shift to another learning strand or career track based on any of the conditions below:

  •  After the first semester of Grade 11 in the same VP-participating SHS
  • After completing Grade 11 in the same or another VP-participating SHS

DepEd Order 20 Full Memo Download

To access and download the complete PDF of DepEd Order No. 20, series of 2023, a direct link is available on this page. By clicking the download button below, you can easily obtain a copy of DepEd Order 20n PDF format.

Full PDF DepEd 20memo file:

Video: DepEd Order No. 20, s. 2023

Watch the video below to learn more about DepEd Order 20, series 2023:

As discussed in the video, DepEd Order 20, series 2023, contains the implementing guidelines for the Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP). This program will provide financial assistance to Filipino learners through voucher redemption, which can help them with their education to pursue a career track or learning strand. Thus, VP-participating SHS and eligible applicants should adhere to the guidelines enclosed in this policy.


In summary, the guidelines under DepEd Order 20, series 2023, should be implemented by DepEd CO and adhered to by VP-participating SHS when accepting enrollees/program beneficiaries. These guidelines will also help learners, their parents, or guardians in the application process for the SHS VP, from the documentary requirements to redeeming their vouchers. Therefore, all stakeholders should refer to and comply with this policy to effectively implement the voucher program.

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