The Department of Health (DOH) – Philippines recorded the country’s first case of COVID-19 on January 30, 2020. Because of this, the economy plummeted, and education became inaccessible. This global health issue brought sudden changes and restrictions, making it unsafe for learners to study physically in school. Hence, the Department of Education (DepEd) promulgated the DepEd Order 24, series 22.
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DepEd issued this policy, aiming to address the impacts of the pandemic on education. It can help the department provide quality education while ensuring learners’ rights and safety. The policy will also assist DepEd in identifying and resolving issues in the future and concerns of various learners. That’s why DepEd personnel and officers should adopt and implement this order.
What is DepEd Order 24
Issued by the Department of Education on May 30, 2022, the DepEd Order (DO) 24, series (s.) 2022, closed the Basic Education Development Plan (BEDP) 2030. DepEd will use BEDP as the medium-term plan to cover all formal education, including Kindergarten (K), Elementary, Junior High School (JHS), Senior High School (SHS), and nonformal education via the Alternative Learning System (ALS). The plan is developed by considering the priorities and views of all stakeholders in the education sector to ensure the proper implementation of BEDP.
Furthermore, BEDP 2030 embeds the aspirations and priorities of DepEd, the national government development agenda, international commitments, and global trends in the educational sector, which are adapted based on the circumstances of the Philippines. Hence, all DepEd offices and units at all governance levels should modify their policies, plans, and programs by aligning them with BEDP 2030.
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To be precise, here are the following objectives of BEDP 2030:
- DepEd will utilize BEDP as a blueprint for the following decade to formulate, implement coordination, monitor, evaluate, and supervise plans, policies, programs, and projects in formal and nonformal areas of basic education.
- Serve as a strategic roadmap for DepEd to comply with when improving the quality and delivery of basic education and learners’ experience in the learning environment.
- Resolve the immediate impacts of the pandemic on participation and learning.
- Address learning loss, strengthen learning gains, and reduce access gaps
- Face issues on education quality and forecast future problems in the sector
- Launch innovations that promote resiliency and instill education rights of children and youth.
Adoption of the Basic Education Development Plan 2030
The Basic Education Development Plan (BEDP) will take effect from 2022 to 2030 to pursue DepEd’s goal wherein all Filipinos can realize their maximum potential and participate in meaningful contributions by protecting and promoting the right to quality education. In addition, BEDP relies on the Philippine Development Plan and Ambition 2040, the Sulong Edukalidad Framework, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030. It will also serve as a strategic roadmap for DepEd, ensuring the delivery of enhanced quality education.
Priority Development Areas
To address the issues and challenges determined in the Basic Education Sector Analysis (BESA), DepEd developed BEDP by focusing on the following priority development areas:
- Pivoting to quality to ensure all learners obtain learning standards in every key stage in the K to 12 program.
- Expand access to education for groups in disadvantaged circumstances to guarantee inclusive and unbiased delivery of quality service.
- Empower learners to obtain life skills and be resilient.
- Bolster the promotion of learners’ overall well-being in a positive learning environment where they can experience joy, exercise their rights, and realize their responsibilities as individuals and members of the community.
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The Filipino Learner: Competencies and Aspirations
The BEDP is formulated based on the capabilities and aspirations that Filipino learners should develop, allowing them to contribute to building a cohesive and progressive nation. Hence, the BEDP envisioned Filipino learners fully developed in basic education. This order focuses on helping learners obtain 21st-century skills to control themselves, establish connections, be innovative, quick-witted, and serve others. Moreover, Filipino learners must take pride in their national identity and nationhood, aim to prosper and acquire life skills, and uphold the following core values: Maka-Diyos, Makakalikasan, at Makabansa.
Implementation Strategy
DepEd implemented the BEDP 2030 starting 2022 to 2030, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2030. Its implementation will be in two phases:
Phase 1 (2022-2026)
The BEDP phase 1 implementation involves responses to the abrupt impacts of COVID-19 on participation and learning, covering the following areas:
Post-COVID-19 recovery and transition – DepEd prioritizes reducing the negative impacts of immediately shifting from face-to-face to pure distance learning. The department will also help bridge the learning gaps brought about by the COVID-19 lockdown while boosting the innovations and learning gains enforced by the pandemic.
Address the remaining access gaps, especially for groups in disadvantaged situations
Prioritize quality in the following areas:
- Boost programs on reading, numeracy, socioemotional learning, 21s century skills, and reskilling teachers
- Hone teachers’ skillset’s in contextualization to resolve concerts of diverse learners
- Reinforce instructional leadership and supervision to enhance teaching quality
System-wide capacity development
Phase 2 (2026-2030)
Under this phase, DepEd will focus on maintaining the gains and assessing programs by prioritizing the following:
- Continue programs and programs on access, equity, quality, and learners’ resilience and rights
- Implementation of innovations launched under the Education Futures Programme
- Program and impact evaluation
- Development of new programs to resolve the issues and opportunities emerging in the education sector
- End of plan assessment
Overview of the Structure of the Education Sector in the Philippines
This order also states that the Philippine education system contains four levels:
- Early Childhood Care and Development
- Basic Education
- Technical-Vocational Education
- Higher Education
Meanwhile, the K to 12 Basic Education Program comprises the following:
- Formal Education
- Kindergarten to Grades 1–3 (Stage 1)
- Grades 4–6 (Stage 2)
- Junior High School, Grades 7–10 (Stage 3)
- Senior High School, Grades 11–12 (Stage 4)
- Alternative Learning System
- Private Education
DepEd Order 24 Full Memo Download
To access and download the complete PDF of DepEd Order No. 24 , series of 2022, a direct link is available on this page. By clicking the download button below, you can easily obtain a copy of DepEd Order 24 in PDF format.
Full PDF DepEd 24 memo file:
Video: DEPED ORDER NO. 024, S. 2022
Watch the video below to learn more about DepEd Order 24, series 2022:
As discussed in the video, DepEd Order 24, series 2022, is titled the “Adoption of the Basic Education Development Plan (BEDP) 2030. This order will help DepEd and educational institutions in addressing the impacts of COVID-19 in the education sector, specifically participation and learning loss. DepEd can also use this order to enhance the provision of quality basic education. Thus, Filipino learners will benefit from the implementation of this policy.
Despite being unable to counteract the impacts of COVID-19, DepEd has issued a policy that can help the department, its offices, and agencies address the issues and challenges arising in education. With the issuance of DepEd Order 24, series 2022, DepEd can develop strategies that will help resolve the learning gaps and loss. Apart from that, the gradual implementation of this policy will make things easier for learners, allowing them to obtain essential skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the 21st century. Therefore, concerned stakeholders must ensure the implementation of the BEDP 2023